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Zoe is a wildlife enthusiast, just like her parents. She enjoys volleyball, bird-watching, and Winter.

In-game bio

Zoe is one of the characters in Coral Island that the player can befriend. She is a wildlife enthusiast, just like her parents Paul and Anne. Zoe goes to Starlet Elementary School on the weekdays and spends her weekend following her dad around.


Zoe enjoys a game of volleyball, bird watching, and winters.


This section details Zoe's day-to-day schedule in Coral Island.

  • Monday to Wednesday
  • Thursday and Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
10:00At school.
00:00Information needed.
10:00At school.
08:20Heads to the beach to play volleyball with her family and Surya.
17:00Goes home to spend time in her room.
21:30Goes to sleep.
08:20Goes to beach.
11:00Stands on the volleyball court at the beach with Oliver and Anne
17:00Goes home to sit in the dining room.
22:00Goes to bed.


This section details Zoe's reactions to receiving specific gifts from the player. (Note that the preferences towards artisan products like yogurt or mayonnaise only apply to their regular sized versions; large sized products give universal reactions.)

Gift icon Items
Loved gift Loved
Liked gift Liked
Disliked gift Disliked