Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

A velociraptor torso is a fossil that can be obtained by opening fossil nodes.

How to obtain[]

Once obtained, a velociraptor torso can be placed in a slime of replication to be duplicated.

Velociraptor torso Velociraptor torso × 1

Container availability[]

Mysterious node Mysterious node1.86%
Small node Small node3.33%
  • Nodes can be opened by processing at lab for 20Coin

Shop availability[]

There's a weekly chance this item can be bought from Black Market:

Black MarketCoin × 2,620


Velociraptor torso can be donated once to the museum for 3 MuseumMuseum icon museum points, can be used for enchanting points, can be shipped or sold at Black Market, or can be gifted as universally hated gift.


Gift iconCharacters
Loved gift LovedNo character loves this item.
Liked gift LikedNo character likes this item.
NeutralNo character is neutral towards this item.
Disliked gift DislikedNo character dislikes this item.
Hated gift Hated

