Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

Summer is the second calendar season that the player will encounter in Coral Island, preceded by spring and followed by fall.

Spring crops will mostly wither when Summer starts, and a new stock of crops will be available. There are also new varieties of items available for the player to scavenge.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Valentina icon ValentinaWataru icon Wataru Connor icon Connor
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sam icon SamAgung icon Agung Denali icon Denali King Krakatoa icon King Krakatoa Animal Festival pamphlet 
Animal Festival
Emma icon EmmaEva icon Eva
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Etna icon Etna Frank icon FrankZarah icon Zarah Dinda icon Dinda
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Anne icon AnneLeah icon Leah Beach Clean Up pamphlet 
Beach Cleanup Day
Yuri icon Yuri


These are the crops that can be planted in Summer at the F rank.

After reaching rank E, these seeds unlock:

After reaching rank D, these seeds unlock:

Single harvest[]

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell price
Gardenia GardeniaFlowerF5 daysCoin × 20Coin × 45
Iris IrisFlowerD10 daysCoin × 30Coin × 102
Lily (flower) LilyFlowerD9 daysCoin × 60Coin × 149
Melon MelonFruitE12 daysCoin × 130Coin × 233
Pineapple PineappleFruitD9 daysCoin × 110Coin × 201
Radish RadishVegetableE6 daysCoin × 60Coin × 119
Red cabbage Red cabbageVegetableD9 daysCoin × 45Coin × 106
Rose RoseFlowerD6 daysCoin × 20Coin × 51
Starfruit StarfruitFruitE13 daysCoin × 60Coin × 108
Sunflower SunflowerFlowerF8 daysCoin × 20Coin × 70
Wheat WheatGrainF5 daysCoin × 15Coin × 33

Multiple harvest[]

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell price
Banana BananaFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 800Coin × 50
Bell pepper Bell pepperVegetableE8 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 70Coin × 47
Blackberry BlackberryFruitD11 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 40Coin × 41
Blueberry BlueberryFruitF10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 50Coin × 41
Coffee bean Coffee beanGrainD11 days
2 days (regrowth)
Coin × 70Coin × 25
Corn CornVegetableF12 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 24
Dragonfruit DragonfruitFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 1,350Coin × 68
Hot pepper Hot pepperVegetableF7 days
3 days (regrowth)
Coin × 40Coin × 36
Jackfruit JackfruitFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 1,500Coin × 74
Mango MangoFruitC28 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 4,000Coin × 136
Okra OkraVegetableE9 days
6 days (regrowth)
Coin × 60Coin × 59
Papaya PapayaFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 1,350Coin × 68
Peach PeachFruitC28 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 4,500Coin × 153
Plum PlumFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 1,350Coin × 68
Rambutan RambutanFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 1,350Coin × 73
Tomato TomatoFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 34


These are the foragables exclusive to Summer.


Refer to fish, insects and critters for respective Summer catchables.

