Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

Sanchez’ Brothers Blacksmith, owned by Rafael and Pablo, will help the player with processing ores, upgrading tools, and their combat needs. The player can also purchase various weapons and armor here.

Blacksmith shop[]

The store is stocked with ore and coal. These items are also available online and not restricted by the shop operating hours.

ItemPriceTown rankRequirement
Coal CoalCoin × 60F
Bronze ore Bronze oreCoin × 150F
Silver ore Silver oreCoin × 500F
Gold ore Gold oreCoin × 1,500F
Osmium ore Osmium oreCoin × 4,500B
Blunt sword Blunt swordCoin × 1,000FSpring 5, after cavern opens
Locket LocketCoin × 1,500FReach 8Heart 8 icon (8 hearts) with any NPC
Diamond ring Diamond ringCoin × 5,000FReach 10Heart 10 icon (10 hearts) with any NPC

Geode and coffer processing[]

For 20g per item, the Blacksmith will process geodes and treasure coffers into gems and artifacts. The items the blacksmith can process are:

The items the player will get are determined in the moment the geode or coffer is processed, so it is possible to reload the day to get different drops.

Tool upgrades[]

Each tool upgrade costs money, materials, and 1 to 4 full game-day(s) depending on which upgrade you are processing. When the player visits the Blacksmith and selects a tool to upgrade, that tool will be removed from your inventory until you return to pick it up. However, the shop is closed on Sundays' so if you choose to upgrade a tool on a Saturday, you will have to wait until Monday, at minimum to retrieve the tool.

ItemPriceTimePurchase limit
Bronze axe Bronze axeCoin × 1,500Axe Axe × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 5Wood Wood × 201 day1
Silver axe Silver axeCoin × 3,000Bronze axe Bronze axe × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 5Wood Wood × 202 days1
Gold axe Gold axeCoin × 10,000Silver axe Silver axe × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 52 days1
Osmium axe Osmium axeCoin × 20,000Gold axe Gold axe × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 54 days1
Bronze hoe Bronze hoeCoin × 1,500Hoe Hoe × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 5Wood Wood × 201 day1
Silver hoe Silver hoeCoin × 3,000Bronze hoe Bronze hoe × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 5Wood Wood × 202 days1
Gold hoe Gold hoeCoin × 10,000Silver hoe Silver hoe × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 52 days1
Osmium hoe Osmium hoeCoin × 20,000Gold hoe Gold hoe × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 54 days1
Bronze pickaxe Bronze pickaxeCoin × 1,500Pickaxe Pickaxe × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 5Wood Wood × 201 day1
Silver pickaxe Silver pickaxeCoin × 3,000Bronze pickaxe Bronze pickaxe × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 5Wood Wood × 202 days1
Gold pickaxe Gold pickaxeCoin × 10,000Silver pickaxe Silver pickaxe × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 52 days1
Osmium pickaxe Osmium pickaxeCoin × 20,000Gold pickaxe Gold pickaxe × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 5Hardwood Hardwood × 54 days1
Bronze watering can Bronze watering canCoin × 1,500Watering can Watering can × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 51 day1
Silver watering can Silver watering canCoin × 3,000Bronze watering can Bronze watering can × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 52 days1
Gold watering can Gold watering canCoin × 10,000Silver watering can Silver watering can × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Resin Resin × 32 days1
Osmium watering can Osmium watering canCoin × 20,000Gold watering can Gold watering can × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 3Resin Resin × 54 days1
Bronze scythe Bronze scytheCoin × 1,500Scythe Scythe × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 5Wood Wood × 201 day1
Silver scythe Silver scytheCoin × 3,000Bronze scythe Bronze scythe × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 5Wood Wood × 202 days1
Gold scythe Gold scytheCoin × 10,000Silver scythe Silver scythe × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 52 days1
Osmium scythe Osmium scytheCoin × 20,000Gold scythe Gold scythe × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 54 days1

