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This page lists currently implemented events for Rafael.
Two heart event[]
Day | Saturday or Sunday |
Time of day | 09:00– |
Start location | Coral Inn |
Event summary | Rafael wants to take Valentina to get some cake at the tavern. |
The scene begins at the inn with Valentina painting on an easel. Rafael sitting on a couch in front of her.
- Valentina:Hold still. Don’t move too much, Uncle!
Give me a minute. It’s almost done!
- Rafael:Okay.
Thank you.
- Valentina:Ta-da!
Come have a look! What do you think?
- (Rafael walks to the other side of the easel to take a look.)
- Rafael:Hey! My nose looks big.
But wow. The painting is great!
Let’s go and hang it somewhere after we get some food, okay?
You need to eat something.
Should we go to the Beach Shack?
- Valentina:No! No, Uncle, I don’t wanna.
I want cake from Frank.
Can we pleeeeease go to the tavern?
Mom never let me go there after dark. [sic]
Come on, Uncle Rafael!
Let’s go, let’s go!
Before Mom catches us!
- (Suki walks up to the entrance of the room from offscreen)
- Rafael:Oh, Suki said what?
No, no, no.
If that’s the case, I have to ask Suki first.
- (Suki walks over to the pair.)
- Suki:Ask Suki what?
What’s going on, here?
- Valentina:Aww, nooooo!
Uncle, you’re too slow.
- Suki:Slow?
Slow what?
One of you better start talking soon.
- Rafael:Errr, okay. Umm…
I was going to take Valentina for some cake at Fishensips…only if you’re okay with it, though.
Umm, are you okay with it?
If not, we could just get something at the Beach Shack.
- Suki:Oh, I see.
Yeah, that’s alright. Just don’t stay too late.
The place gets too loud at night.
- Rafael:Okay.
Thank you.
- Valentina:Yay!
Thanks, Mom!
- (Suki walks away.)
- Valentina:See, Uncle? I told you she’d be okay.
- Rafael:Err, that’s not exactly what you told me earlier.
- Valentina:Oh, Uncle Rafael, you silly goose!
Three heart event[]
Day | Any |
Time of day | 09:00– |
Start location | Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith |
Event summary | Rafael tells the player about the explorer who promised to get him some rare ore. |
- (The event starts when the player enters the blacksmith.)
- Rafael:Hi there Player.
It's a little quiet today...
I've been doing some thinking.
I'll level with you.
An explorer came into my shop the other day and told me he knew where to find Tevandium!
- (The player is confused.)
- Rafael:Tevandium!
You've never heard of it?
Tevandium can make magic items. One very specific magic item, in particular.
The Ironeye Hammer.
I know, I know. It sounds far-fetched.
Honestly, I find it hard to believe too.
But...if the ore is real, the hammer may be real too.
And this explorer actually said he could get me some!
- Player:And you're going to take him at his word?
- Rafael:That's the fun part!
I already have.
- Player:That sounds incredible!
- Rafael:I thought so, too!
That's why I hired him to help me.
- Rafael:According to the explorer, he saw some tevandium in an underwater cave not far from here.
He'll bring me some for...
...well, for more than I care to spend.
But hey, if it works...
Anyway, Player, I've chewed your ear off plenty, more than I've talked to most people in this town, so I thought you deserved to know.
Wish me luck!
Five heart event[]
Day | Sunny weather |
Time of day | 10:00– |
Start location | In front of the Blacksmith |
Event summary | Rafael finally got the rare ore he paid for. |
The event starts as the player approaches the Blacksmith. Rafael is outside, watering some plants.
- (The player walks up to Rafael and he turns around.)
- Rafael:Ah! You just missed him!
- (The player is confused.)
- Rafael:The explorer I hired came back, player!
He came back!
Let’s go inside.
I wanna show you the ore!
- (Rafael and the player head to the southern room of the blacksmith, where the ore is stored in several boxes.)
- Rafael:Here it is!
It’s, well…
...it’s not exactly what I expected.
The Tevandium is in there, all right.
It’s just…mixed with the other metals.
Normally that’s fine, of course. That’s what smelting is for, after all, to remove impurities.
But Tevandium isn’t like other metals. According to the stories, at least, it’s always supposed to be pure.
What I’m saying is that all those extra metals are there to stay.
- (Rafael turns to the player.)
- Rafael:I think…
I’m not sure if I can make The Ironeye Hammer with impure Tevandium.
- Player:Tell me you didn’t pay full price.
- Rafael:Well…
- Player:There must be some way to remove the impurities.
- Rafael:It's a mythical metal.
According to the myth, there may not be.
- Rafael:But I have to try!
This is my only chance to creat something truly incredible…and I’m gonna make it!
What’s the worst that could happen?
Six heart event[]
Day | Any |
Time of day | 09:00– |
Start location | Blacksmith |
Event summary | Rafael decides to try forging the legendary hammer. |
The event begins as the player enters the Blacksmith. Rafael is standing in the middle of the shop as the player walks over.
- Rafael:You came! You have a way of turning up at the exact right time, player. Just when I need a sounding board.
I’ve decided to forge The Ironeye Hammer.
- Player:Great idea!
- Rafael:Yes, I think so too.
- Player:What about the trainted Tevandium?
- Rafael:I know. I’ve thought about it.
- Rafael:All said and done, the tainted Tevandium is just a risk I have to take.
My niece Valentina…she looks up to me, you know. How can I look her in the eye and tell her I didn’t forge the legendary hammer when I had the chance?
How can I tell her that I let fear and indecision stop me?
I can’t do that. I need to do this, for her…and for myself.
So, I just thought you’d want to know, player.
Check back with me later, and you may see something spectacular.
Seven heart event[]
Day | Any |
Time of day | 09:00– |
Start location | Blacksmith |
Event summary | Rafael tells you how much he appreciates you checking up on him and tells you that he's there for you as well. |
- (The event starts when the player enters the blacksmith.)
- Rafael:You came back. Come to check up on me? You always do.
Did I ever tell you how much I appreciate that, Player?
- Player:You haven't.
- Rafael:Then I will now.
- Player:You don't need to.
- Rafael:So you feel it too, then?
- Rafael:I always feel like I can talk to you, Player. No matter what's going on in my life, you're there, offering your support.
Everything from checking in on the weather to my struggles with The Ironeye Hammer...you're there for me.
I just want you to know that I've noticed that. I've noticed you.
And I want you to know that I'm here for you too. For anything.
Eight heart event[]
Day | Any |
Time of day | 09:00– |
Start location | Blacksmith |
Event summary | Rafael finally finished the Ironeye Hammer. The legend said that the hammer would talk to you, unfortunately this one turned out to be very annoying. |
- (The event starts when the player enters the blacksmith.)
- Rafael:I did it, Player. All that work, all that effort, and it's paid off. It's a thing of beauty.
But there is, well...one small problem.
Do you remember when I said The Ironeye Hammer talks to you? - Ironeye Hammer:Hey! Aintcha gonna introduce me?
- Rafael:The problem is that it won't stop talking.
- Ironeye Hammer:The name's Old Ironeye, kid, nice to meetcha! Come by to watch me forge? I love forging things.
You might say I was made for it. Get it? Get it. That's my little joke. - Rafael:...
- Player:Do you know why this is happening?
- Rafael:I have my theories
- Player:It's, uh...friendly.
- Rafael:Friendly is good. I was hoping for "wise."
- Rafael:It was the tainted Tevandium, <Player>. What else could it have been? It gave The Ironeye Hammer more of a...personality than I expected
- Ironeye Hammer:Hey hey hey! Where I come from, they call it "charm".
- Rafael:Maybe I should have done more research...
- Ironeye Hammer:Let's not live in the past! I'm here, you're here, let's do this! I can't wait to...you know. Smelt. Let's hop to it, Raf!
- Rafael:So, Player...want to buy a hammer?
Ten heart event[]
Day | Spring, Summer, or Fall Sunny weather |
Time of day | 06:00– |
Start location | Farm |
Event summary | Rafael and the player go hiking. |
- (The event starts when the player leaves their house.)
- (The player is caught by surprise by Rafael's visit.)
- Rafael:Oh morning! Did I startle you?
- Player:Morning! No, you're good.
- Rafael:Oh, okay. That's good!
- Player:Morning! Oh no no, it's not because of you. I'm easily startled.
- Rafael:I'm sorry. Please don't be mad.
- Rafael:So, umm...Are you ready for the hike? I sent you a mail about it?
- (The player seems to have no idea.)
- Rafael:Oh! It must've gotten lost in the mail.
Well, would you like to go hiking with me? I made us some lunch too.
Thought it might be fun.
- (The player nods and they go to the forest graveyard. Rafael gets scared.)
- Rafael:Hey um... I have a bad feeling about this area.
I'll walk on that side. You move here, okay?
- (The player and Rafael walk away and a ghost appears behind them.)
- (The player and Rafael come across a log blocking their way.)
- Rafael:Wait here.
- (Rafael chops the log and they move forward on their hike.)
- (The player sits on the ground and cries.)
- Rafael:Are you okay?
- Player:I just need to take a breather, I stubbed my toe!
- Rafael:...
We're almost there. Here, take my hand. We can walk slowly.
- (The player and Rafael hold hands and walk towards a campsite.)
- Rafael:We're here.
How are you feeling? Are you okay? - (The player nods)
- Rafael:If you're cold, I brought us some blankets in the tent. Just relax and let me take care of you.
So, what do you think of this place?
- Player:I've never been here before.
- Rafael:Not a lot of people know this spot.
- Player:It's beautiful. Do you come here often?
- Rafael:Not often enough.
- Rafael:When things are out of hand, or when I need some space, I tend to wander alone. This one by far is my favorite.
- (Rafael sits closer to the player.)
- Rafael:This place is special to me, Player...kind of like you.
You're special to me.
- Player:You're special to me too.
- Rafael:Would it be okay if I kiss you?
- Player:I'm sorry but this isn't what I had in mind.
- Rafael:Oh...
- (The player and Rafael kiss if the player responds favorably. Rafael cries if the player rejects him.)
Day | 3 days after proposal |
Time of day | 06:00– |
Start location | Farm |
Event summary | Rafael and the player exchange vows. |