Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

Quests are specific events that earn players rewards or unlocked new storylines. Quests are divided into main quests, side quests, and errands in Coral Island.


Errands are randomized, time-limited quests that the player can take on from the job boards in Starlet Town, Band of Smiles Hideout, and the Merfolk Kingdom. Once accepted, most errands must be completed in two days - the day the quest is accepted and the next - with the exception of Grow Me errands which give the player the length of time needed to grow the item plus one day to harvest and deliver it. Completing an errand rewards the player with an amount of money dependent on the type of errand and any items delivered.

Up to one errand may be available each day for pickup at each of the job boards. Once a player accepts an errand from the Starlet Town job board, further errands will not appear at this board until the current errand is either completed or abandoned. In contrast, Band of Smiles Hideout errands may continue to appear even if one is active.

Completing many errands for the Band of Smiles can also unlock new items from the guild store.

Types of errands[]

There are four types of errands to choose from, two for each of the job boards available.

Type Location Description
Town Courier Starlet Town Town Courier errands encompass any request by an available townie for a specified item. This item can be:
  • A seasonal fruit, vegetable, or flower available at the player's town rank
  • An animal product if the player has the required building and town rank needed to purchase the animal

Completion of Town Courier errands rewards the player with three times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 HeartHeart friendship points with the townie that requested it. Townies will only request items that they are at least neutral or more favorable of. All townies - children and adults - are able to post requests. Nina is only able to post requests when she visits in Summer.

Grow Me Something Starlet Town Grow Me Something errands encompass all requests to grow a new specified product for delivery to an available townie. This item can be any seasonal fruit, vegetable, or flower available at the player's town rank.

Completion of Grow Me Something errands rewards the player with two times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 HeartHeart friendship points with the townie that requested it. Townies will only request items that they are at least neutral or more favorable of. All townies - children and adults - are able to post requests. Nina is only able to post requests when she visits in Summer.

Grow Me Something errands have a longer time limit than other errands, allowing for the length of time for the product to grow plus one day for harvest and delivery.

B.0.S. Request BOS Hideout B.O.S. Requests encompass all requests by Band of Smiles members for a specified item. This item can be:
  • 3 to 10 pieces of stone, coal, or ore available to the mines the player has access to
  • 2 to 10 metal bars available to the mines the player has access to
  • 3 to 5 bottles of monster or elemental essence available to the mines the player has access to
  • 2 to 5 pieces of monster loot depending on the depths the player has reached and the mines the player has access to

Completion of B.0.S. Request errands rewards the player with three times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 HeartHeart friendship points with the BOS member that requested it, if applicable.

Slay BOS Hideout Slay errands encompass all requests by Band of Smiles members to hunt a number of monsters. These quests can require slaying:
  • 10 to 20 of an element of monsters available to the mines the player has access to
  • 1 to 10 of a specific species and element of monster depending on the depths the player has reached and the mines the player has access to

Completion of Slay errands rewards the player with an amount of gold determined by the type of errand undertaken - 500 for an element-based errand, or 300-900 for a specific species. Slay errands do not reward friendship for completion.

Main quests[]

Main quests are unlocked during gameplay. They progress the story of the game once completed. Note: If the quest is not initiating (e.g. the expected mail or cutscene is not happening) please try waiting a few more in-game days, or closing and restarting the game as a workaround.

These grouping are not defined in-game but created to better visualize the information.

Town quests[]

Main quests that are related to farming and town (excluding museum) story development

List of Main Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Starting out Let's learn how to farm! Start by tilling the farm soil with a hoe, then use a seed bag on the tilled soil to grow crops. Water daily until ready to harvest. When ready, visit Sam’s General Store in town to buy more seeds. Introduction • Plant 10 seeds
• Water 10 seeds
• Visit Sam's General Store
• Harvest first crop
• Begins The new farmer

• 100 Coin
The new farmer Since you're new in town, consider introducing yourself to folks in town. They're probably curious who the new farmer is! Connor (when entering Sam's General Store as part of Starting out) • Meet 30 townies Completing:
• Begins Making friends
Making friends Befriend townies by getting to know them and gift-giving. Brownie points if you give them something they love! Complete The new farmer • Craft a flower bouquet
• Gift it to someone
Flower bouquet Flower bouquet crafting recipe
Home sweet home The carpenters can fix your new home, but you'll need to gather some resources first. Visit them once you've gathered enough wood and stone. Joko and Dinda (mail on 1st Spring) • Gather 50 wood
• Gather 20 stone
• Visit the Carpenter
• Repair your house
• 100 Coin
• 1 HeartHeart friendship points with Joko and Dinda
Visit the Beach Shack Sunny and Eleanor have welcoming gifts for you. You should visit them at the Beach Shack to find out what it is... Sunny and Eleanor (mail on 3rd Spring) • Visit the Beach Shack Completing:
Fishing pole Fishing pole
Bug net Bug net
All ore nothing Consider crafting a furnace, you can use it to smelt ores into bars! Pablo (next day after obtaining bronze ore, which naturally is obtained from mines, however quest will still be triggered if it's bought from blacksmith) • Craft a furnace Progressing:
Furnace Furnace crafting recipe

• Begins Smelting for progress
Smelting for progress The furnace is done! Try smelting copper ore into a copper bar. When you have enough bars, visit The Blacksmith and upgrade your tools. It'll make life easier on the farm. Complete All ore nothing • Smelt a bronze bar using your new furnace
The extractor The extractor is your ticket to bigger earnings. You can increase profit by shipping higher quality produce and the lab can help when provided kelp essence. Craft an extractor so you can make kelp essence. Surya (next day after obtaining bronze kelp, which naturally is obtained from diving, however quest will still be triggered if it's bought from laboratory) • Craft an extractor Progressing:
Extractor Extractor crafting recipe

• Begins Essence extraction
Essence extraction Now that you have an extractor, you should try and produce bronze kelp essence. To make a bottle, combine 10 bronze kelp and a glass inside the extractor. Complete The extractor • Produce bronze kelp essence using extractor
Local Produce Help Sam revive the local produce section of the General Store by shipping bronze-quality vegetables and fruits. Sam (must have triggered #Town Rank FTV icon Town Rank F and sell/ship 1 crop afterward. Mail to initiate the quest will be delivered 5 days afterward) • Meet Sam at the General Store
• Ship 50 bronze-quality vegetables
• Ship 25 bronze-quality fruits
• 1,000 Coin
• Town waypoint is unlocked
New goal: Town Rank S! Help Starlet Town achieve its dream of reaching Town Rank S. Start by visiting the community center to plan the next steps. Trigger a cutscene by entering Community Center after getting town rank A. • Reach Town Rank S
• Visit community center
Starlet Town Attraction Help the town by contributing to its first major attraction. Then, collaborate with residents to construct all attractions. After getting New goal: Town Rank S! • Complete a town attraction (1/1)
• Complete all attractions (10/10)
650Merit × 650

Giant quests[]

Main quests that related to mining and giant story development

List of Main Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Into the mines You can enter earth shaft in the caverns to mine for valuable ores and gems. Don't forget to bring sword Kira gave you in case you encounter monsters. Kira (when entering the mine for the first time after Mark informed that the mine is open (on 5th Spring)) • Reach level 5 (earth shaft)
• Turn the elevator back on
Blunt sword Blunt sword

• 100 Coin
Entrance exam The small monsters is getting easier for you to handle. However, a bigger, wriggly challenge awaits you, deep beneath the mine. Kira (mail after reaching level 10 in earth mine) • Defeat 30 Enemies
• Visit the Band of Smiles
B.O.S Badge B.O.S Badge
Mythical Dream You had a strange dream last night. To make sure it was nothing more than that, you should investigate one of the sacred trees around the island. Chieftain (dreaming during sleep after triggering #Town Rank FTV icon Town Rank F) • Inspect a tablet at a sacred tree
• ????? (Receive a letter the following morning)
• Meet the Chieftain left of your farm
• Meet the Goddess at the Lake Temple
Third Eye Third Eye

• Begins Temple offering
Temple offering You've been asked by a being to complete a temple offering. Something about a blessing for you, and how it will restore their power. Complete Mythical Dream • Complete a temple offering Completing:
Goddess Blessing Goddess Blessing
• Temple and farm waypoints are unlocked.
Petrified Giant I Explore the Earth gate and find a way to free the Earth giant. Chieftain, must have completed Mythical Dream • Free the Earth Giant Completing:
• 150 Coin
• Unlock Giants
Giant Village You've been invited to visit the Giant Village. Meet Grog left of your farm to get started. Grog (mail 1 day after completing Petrified Giant I) • Go to Giant Village Completing:
• Begins Tool Enchantment
Gulliver's VoyageGulliver's Voyage Gulliver's Voyage
Petrified Giant II Reach the bottom of the Water gate and undo the stone curse to free the Water giant. Chieftain • Free the Water Giant Completing:
• 300 Coin
Petrified Giant III Reach the bottom of the Wind gate and undo the stone curse to free the Wind giant. Chieftain • Free the Wind Giant Completing:
• 450 Coin
Petrified Giant IV ? None of the other Giant's seem to know where the Fire Giant is. Consider exploring the Fire gate to uncover the mystery. Chieftain • Find the Fire Giant Completing:
• 600 Coin
The Petrified Perpetrator The Giants are still looking for their mysterious 6th member. Find out where the last Giant is. Chieftain • Go to Giant Village Completing:
•Begins The Final Giant
The Final Giant Embark on an adventure to the Savannah and locate Gort. Complete The Petrified Perpetrator • Reach the Savannah
• Enter the Cave of Memories
• Retrieve 5 of Gort's Memory Fragments
• Go to Cave of Memories Lobby
File:All-Seeing Eye.png All-Seeing Eye
Guardian Mural Locate the Island's Guardians and recover the missing fragments to complete the Guardian Mural. Trigger a cutscene by visiting Lake Temple a day after activating New goal: Town Rank S! • Complete the Guardian Mural (4/4) Progressing:
• Unlock Rafflesia Waypoints

Goddess outfit Goddess outfit
Disguise Wanted Gong wants to become a “hooman,” but needs your help finding the rest of the items needed for the disguise. Gong • Go to Giant Village
• Bring requested items to Giant Village:
• 1,000 HeartHeart friendship points with Grog and Gong
• Unlock Handsome

Ocean quests[]

Main quests that related to diving and merfolk story development

List of Main Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Into the ocean Ling says diving suit is yours to keep under one condition: you heal sick coral by activating coral orbs. Whatever that means. Ling (mail, earliest on 8th Spring) • Visit Ling at diving pier
• Dive Into the Ocean
• Activate 5 solar orbs
• Heal 5 coral sites
• Visit Ling at the Lab
Diving Suit Diving Suit

• Begins Explore the ocean
Undersea MysteryUndersea Mystery Undersea Mystery
Explore the ocean Valuable kelp, ocean critters, and rare finds fill the ocean. You'll need to heal more coral and clear your path from sick roots to reach them. Complete Into the ocean • Heal 20 coral sites
• Inspect the source of the shake
• Follow the retreated root
• Find a way to open the gate (obtaining Diving Suit V2 and completing Temple offering are required to spawn puzzle to open the gate)

• Explore the Kingdom

Diving Suit V2 Diving Suit V2

• 300 Coin
Under The Sea MysteryUnder The Sea Mystery Under The Sea Mystery
• Begins Merfolk Kingdom
Merfolk Kingdom You've made it to Merfolk Kingdom. Now, time to find a way inside and explore its wonders. Complete Explore the ocean • Find a way to open the gate
• Explore the Kingdom
• 500 Coin
• Begins Unwanted guest
Unwanted guest You're an unwanted guest in the Merfolk Kingdom! Denali has asked you to speak with King Krakatoa inside the Naga Palace. Your fate awaits... Denali by completing Merfolk Kingdom • Enter the Naga Palace
• Meet the King
• Enter the deep sea
Stamina fruit Stamina fruit
• Begins The Coral Tree
The Coral Tree Enter the Deep Waters and explore all that the ocean has to offer in order to heal the Coral Tree. Complete Unwanted guest • Enter the deep sea
• Heal the coral tree
• 10,000 Coin
Healing The OceanHealing The Ocean Healing The Ocean
• 100 OceanOcean icon ocean points
• 150 HeartHeart friendship points with all townies
Roots above Make haste. You've been summoned to the Naga Palace! King Krakatoa and Queen Nanda Devi (mail following day after completing The Coral Tree) • Visit the Naga Palace
• Visit the Coral Tree
• Wait until night time
Seal of Naga Seal of Naga

• 1,500 Coin
• 50 OceanOcean icon ocean points
One of us The Oracle claims there's a way to make you "one of us," whatever that means. Gather the required materials and find out what she means. Cho Oyu (mail 3 days after completing Roots above) • Visit the Oracle
• Bring 5 Osmium Kelp Essence
• Bring 5 Osmium Crops

• Give the Items to the Oracle

Merfolk Blessing Merfolk Blessing
• 2,000 Coin
Starlet expedition Venture to Naga Palace once when you're ready to learn more about this "Starlet expedition." Miranjani (mail 5 days after completing One of us) • Go to Naga Palace
• Gather 75 Osmium Crops
• Gather 30 Osmium Kelp Essence
• Bring ingredients to Oracle Chamber
• Begins To the Surface
To the Surface You've gathered the potion ingredients. All that's left to do is go to the meeting site and take some Merfolk up to land!

Meeting Spot: 10m anchor spot (where land-dweller was initially spotted)
Expedition dates: Spring 8-14, Summer 22-28, Fall 22-28, Winter 22-28

Complete Starlet expedition • Wait for expedition date
• Go to meeting spot
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• Go to the 10m meeting spot during an expedition date
• 5,000 Coin
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 1
Resupply Merfolk Kingdom Aid the Merfolk in rebuilding their kingdom by cultivating ocean crops, bringing prosperity back to their realm. Krakatoa (mail after reaching town rank A) • Visit Merfolk Palace
• Produce Ocean Crop Seeds
• Harvest an ocean crop
• Meet the person who picks up your ocean crop
• Go to Merfolk Kingdom
• Hear results of taste test
• 5,000 Coin
• Begins Resupply Merfolk Kingdom II
Resupply Merfolk Kingdom II The Kingdom has acknowledged your ocean crops! Head to the general store and learn more about their plans to strengthen the efforts in resupplying the Merfolk Kingdom's ocean crops. Complete Resupply Merfolk Kingdom • Go to Merfolk General Store
• Ship 10 unique ocean crop
• Ship 1000 ocean crops
• 25,000 Coin
• Unlock Arcana tail
Song of the Sea Restore the song of the sea to improve the Ocean's rank. Complete Resupply Merfolk Kingdom then visit Merfolk Kingdom • Inspect the 10m orchestra site
• Complete 10m Orchestra Donation
• Complete 10m Orchestra Puzzle
• Play 10m Song of the Sea
• Complete 20m Orchestra Donation
• Complete 20m Orchestra Puzzle
• Play 20m Song of the Sea
• Complete 40m Orchestra Donation
• Complete 40m Orchestra Puzzle
• Play 40m Song of the Sea
• Complete 50m Orchestra Donation
• Complete 50m Orchestra Puzzle
• Play 50m Song of the Sea
• See Orchestra sites

Weather conch Weather conch recipe

Museum quests[]

Main quests that related to museum and its story development

List of Main Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Empty No More Kickstart the Museum's collection by donating something to it! Scott (when entering Museum for first time as early as 3rd Spring)) • Donate an item to the Museum Completing:
• 150 Coin
Museum Expansion With your help Scott thinks that the town can crowdfund an expanded Museum on Pickstarter. Consider donating more items to bring this project to life. Scott
(cutscene will be played upon 10 museum donations)
• Donate items to the Museum (10/10)
• Donate items to the Museum (50/50)
• 150Coin
Pickstarter Launch You recieved a letter from Scott. He says they are ready to launch the Pickstarter campaign but can't do it without you. Head to the Museum! Scott (mail 2 days after completing Museum Expansion). After quest is triggered, there will be mail after 1, 3, and 7 days (total 3 mails). After that need to wait another 7 days to complete the quest. Total waiting of 14 days since quest is initiated is required to complete this quest. • Go to museum
• Wait for Pickstarter funded for a week
Soft Bristle Brush Soft Bristle Brush
• 50 MuseumMuseum icon museum points
• 70 HeartHeart friendship points with all townies
• Museum waypoint is unlocked
Dino Prints Assist in completing the Dinosaur hologram exhibit to elevate the Museum's rank, showcasing the wonders of prehistoric life. First donate all Fossils and reach town rank A. A cutscene will trigger in the museum. • Complete dinosaur holograms (10/10)


Some cutscenes are hidden prerequisite for some of the quests hence they are listed separately.

List of important cutscenes
Name Summary Location Prerequisite Remark
Town Rank F Connor explains Town rank mechanics to the player. Near Community Center Can be triggered on sunny days, 2 days after riot cutscene with Pufferfish Drilling Corp Hidden prerequisite for Local Produce and Mythical Dream

Side quests[]

These grouping are not defined in-game but created to better visualize the information.

Mail quests[]

These side quests are triggered through mail on certain day even though the requestor has not been met yet. Completing these side quest will set the heart level to 1 with 300 HeartHeart friendship points towards the requestor when the heart level is 1 or below. Meaning, if the friendship points are below 300 it will be boosted to 300, reaching heart level 1, however, if the friendship points are already reaching the next level, e.g. 630, it will reset back to 300.

List of Side Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Suki's Green Smoothies Suki wants to make some smoothies, bring her any Spring vegetable. Suki icon Suki (Suki/Letters#Suki's Green SmoothiesMail icon on 14th Spring) • Gift any spring vegetable to Suki 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
Papaya's for Emma Emma's looking for Papaya's and has offered you premium price in exchange for 2 Papayas. Emma icon Emma (Emma/Letters#Papaya's for EmmaMail icon on 3rd Summer) • Gift Emma 2 Papaya 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 400 Coin
Summer Blooms Walter wants a hibiscus and has promised you a tip. Walter icon Walter (Walter/Letters#Summer BloomsMail icon on 11th Summer) • Gift Walter 1 Hibiscus 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 100 Coin
Erika's Request Erika needs an egg to cook Frank's favorite dinner. Help gift her one! Erika icon Erika (Erika/Letters#Erika's RequestMail icon on 20th Summer) • Gift Erika 1 Egg 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 100 Coin
Neighbor's help There's a log behind Paul's house that hurt some local animals. Help get rid of it. Paul icon Paul (Paul/Letters#Neighbor's helpMail icon on 23rd Summer) • Chop the log behind Paul's House (interact with log behind Paul's house, no axe required) 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
Night Fish Jim needs an Arapaima, these can usually be found in colder weather after sunset. Jim icon Jim (Jim/Letters#Night FishMail icon on 4th Fall) • Gift Jim 1 Arapaima 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 200 Coin
Sunflower Crown Valentina needs a sunflower for a birthday gift for Sunny's Birthday on the 26th. Don't be late! Valentina icon Valentina (Valentina/Letters#Sunflower CrownMail icon on 4th Fall) • Gift Valentina 1 Sunflower 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
Pumpkin Season Bree has a recipe she wants to try but she needs a pumpkin. Help give one to her. Bree icon Bree (Bree/Letters#Pumpkin SeasonMail icon on 6th Fall) • Gift Bree 1 Pumpkin 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 150 Coin
Ben's Special Mushroom Ben's friend is looking for a Black Trumpet Mushroom. They can be found growing around the lake, help find one for Ben. Ben icon Ben (Ben/Letters#Ben's Special MushroomMail icon on 18th Fall) • Gift Ben 1 Black Trumpet Mushroom (give Ben when he's back to Coral Island as he's away during 2nd half of Fall) 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 200 Coin
Mayor's Lost Hat Disaster has struck! Mayor Conner has lost one his hats, keep your eyes open and help return it. Connor icon Connor (Connor/Letters#Mayor's Lost HatMail icon on 2nd Winter) • Find the Mayor's Lost Hat
• Return the Mayor's Lost Hat.
1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
Charles' Tea Charles wants to send some tea leaves to his parents. Help give some to him. Charles icon Charles (Charles/Letters#Charles' TeaMail icon on 4th Winter) • Gift Charles 1 Tea Leaf 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 100 Coin
Millie's Article Millie needs a bottle of Legendary Kelp for an article that she is writing, help her find one. Millie icon Millie (Millie/Letters#Millie's ArticleMail icon on 12th Winter) • Gift Millie 1 Bottle of Osmium kelp essence 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) if heart level is 1 or below (see explanation)
• 600 Coin

Heart quests[]

Side quests that are triggered after reaching certain heart with certain NPC. Generally it is required to complete the previous heart events to complete the quest.

List of Side Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Salmon for Jim Bring Jim 1 Salmon between 5PM to 8PM. Jim icon Jim
5Heart 5 icon (5 hearts)
• Bring 1 Salmon to Beach Shack between 5 PM - 8 PM
(Must have completed: Jim's 3Heart 3 icon (3 hearts) Jim/EventsTV icon heart event)
Flower Please Leah needs two flowers to make a special gift for her mother. She asked you for help. Leah icon Leah
2Heart 2 icon (2 hearts)
• Deliver 2 flowers to Leah
Fishen Flower The tavern needs a couple of fresh flowers. Would your farm be able to supply? If so, please have them delivered as soon as possible. Noah icon Noah
3Heart 3 icon (3 hearts)
• Bring 2 flowers to tavern between 10am - 1 pm
(Must have completed: Noah's 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) Noah/EventsTV icon heart event)
Bonfires Will you come to garden lane tomorrow morning and help me cut some woods? Noah icon Noah
6Heart 6 icon (6 hearts)
• Bring 4 woods to Garden Lane between 10am - 1pm
(Must have completed: Noah's 1Heart 1 icon (1 heart), 3Heart 3 icon (3 hearts), 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts), and 5Heart 5 icon (5 hearts) Noah/EventsTV icon heart events)
Help Paul Bring Paul 1 Green tea. Paul icon Paul
(unknown heart required, whether it's Anne's or Paul's)
• Deliver Green tea to Paul
Wood for Theo Bring Theo 3 Wood. Theo icon Theo
5Heart 5 icon (5 hearts)
(Must have completed: Theo's 2Heart 2 icon (2 hearts), 3Heart 3 icon (3 hearts), and 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts) Theo/EventsTV icon heart events)
• Deliver 3 woods to Theo
Fabled treasure Join Zarah in her pursuit to uncover missing pieces of a cryptic clue. Solve the mystery: is the legendary treasure real or simply a myth? Zarah icon Zarah
6Heart 6 icon (6 hearts)
• Find clue piece in Ocean
• Find clue piece in Cavern
• Meet Zarah at her house
(Must have completed: Zarah's 2Heart 2 icon (2 hearts), 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts), and 6Heart 6 icon (6 hearts) Zarah/EventsTV icon heart events)

Other quests[]

Side quests that are not grouped under mail and heart quests.

List of Side Quests
Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Crows be gone Crows are stealing your crop! To remedy this problem, craft a scarecrow and place it near your crops. Not sure how to make one? As you master activities you will come up with different ways to ease work or earn more coins with crafting recipes. Initiated upon random event of crows eating crops • Craft a makeshift scarecrow. Completing:
• 100 Coin
Tool Enchantment Enchant one of your tools at the Giant Village! Grog (after completing Giant Village) • Enchant your tool! Progressing:
• 5 Earth gem Earth gem

• 250 Coin
Tree Planting Festival I Go plant some trees! Connor (automatically initiated at the beginning of the day of Tree Planting Festival) • Attend Tree Planting Festival
• Talk to Connor to start event
• Clear area A (114/114)
• Prepare the soil in Area B (44/44)
• Plant the sapling in Area C (20/20)
• 20 Festival tree sapling Festival tree sapling

Banana seedling Banana seedling
• 150Merit
• 70 HeartHeart friendship points with all townies
Tree Planting Festival II Go plant some trees! Connor (when starting Tree Planting Festival main activity, after completing Tree Planting Festival I) • Clear area A (113/113)
• Prepare the soil in Area B (64/64)
• Plant the sapling in Area C (16/16)
• 20 Festival tree sapling Festival tree sapling

Plum seedling Plum seedling
• 150Merit
• 70 HeartHeart friendship points with all townies
Tree Planting Festival III Go plant some trees! Connor (when starting Tree Planting Festival main activity, after completing Tree Planting Festival II) • Clear area A (127/127)
• Prepare the soil in Area B (80/80)
• Plant the sapling in Area C (22/22)
• 25 Festival tree sapling Festival tree sapling

Rambutan seedling Rambutan seedling
• 150Merit
• 70 HeartHeart friendship points with all townies
Merfolk Chaperone Part 1 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates: Spring 8-14, Summer 22-28, Fall 22-28, Winter 22-28

Complete To the Surface • Wait for expedition date
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• Head to the Diving Pier
• Be there between 8AM-12PM
•3 Coffee bean Coffee bean
Warp sesajen Warp sesajen
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 2
Merfolk Chaperone Part 2 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates: Spring 8-14, Summer 22-28, Fall 22-28, Winter 22-28

Complete Merfolk Chaperon Part 1 • Wait for expedition date
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• Head to the Raj Coffee Shop
• Be there between 8AM-12PM
•3 Mystery geode Mystery geode
• 2 Starfruit Starfruit
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 3
Merfolk Chaperone Part 3 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates: Spring 8-14, Summer 22-28, Fall 22-28, Winter 22-28

Complete Merfolk Chaperon Part 2 • Wait for expedition date
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• Head to outside Museum
• Be there between 8AM-12PM
•3 Ornate coffer Ornate coffer
Indoor pet bed fox theme Indoor pet bed fox theme
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 4
Merfolk Chaperone Part 4 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town. Avoid exhibition dates, as the Merfolk will not be present.

Expedition dates: Spring 8-14, Summer 22-28, Fall 22-28, Winter 22-28

Complete Merfolk Chaperon Part 3 • Wait for expedition date
• Head to Naga Castle
• Be there between 8AM-6PM
• 10,000 Coin
1Heart 1 icon (1 heart) with Denali, Miranjani, and Semeru

Farming Challenge[]

The Farming Challenge is an unlisted side quest rewarded by Jeff Smith from the Farmers Guild and How to be a Farmer television program.

The rewards for completing the challenges are delivered through the mail along with a congratulatory message from Jeff.

Quest Name Requirements Rewards
Farming Challenge pt. 1 Sell/ship 20 crops Fertilizer I Fertilizer I × 15
Farming Challenge pt. 2 Sell/ship 10 crops with at least bronze quality Sprinkler I Sprinkler I
Farming Challenge pt. 3 Sell/ship 100 crops Mayonnaise machine Mayonnaise machine
Farming Challenge pt. 4 Reach Farming mastery Farming level 8 Aging barrel Aging barrel

The requirement is cumulative, e.g. challenge 1, 2, and 3 can be completed by selling/shipping total of 100 crops, 10 of which having at least bronze quality.

Grandma's letters[]

Letters from grandma is also another unlisted side quest. The rewards for completing the challenges are delivered through the mail.

Letter # Requirements Rewards
1 Earn 10,000Coin 500Coin
2 Earn 25,000Coin Klepon Klepon
3 Earn 50,000Coin Vitamin drink Vitamin drink
4 Earn 100,000Coin Cookies Cookies
5 Earn 250,000Coin 1,000Coin

The effect is cumulative, e.g. earning 250,000 will receive all letters. Corresponding badges are also unlocked.

Neighbors' letters[]

Letters from neighbors is also another unlisted side quest. The rewards for completing the challenges are delivered through the mail.

Quest Name Requirements Rewards
Eleanor's letter Reach Catching mastery Catching level 8 Insect house Insect house
Sunny's letter Reach Fishing mastery Fishing level 8 Fish pond Fish pond

