Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki
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Paul is a wildlife enthusiast. He and his wife make wildlife documentaries for a living. He has a big heart, and he likes the beach.

In-game bio

Paul is one of the characters in Coral Island that the player can befriend. Paul and his wife, Anne, are young parents and wildlife enthusiasts. They have a daughter named Zoe.


Paul spends his weekdays trying to get wildlife footage around the lake area and on the weekend, he likes to keep moving by playing volleyball at the beach with the family.


This section details Paul's day-to-day schedule in Coral Island.

Regular schedule
00:00(To be added.)


This section details Paul's reactions to receiving specific gifts from the player. (Note that the preferences towards artisan products like yogurt or mayonnaise only apply to their regular sized versions; large sized products give universal reactions.)

Gift icon Items
Loved gift Loved
Liked gift Liked
Disliked gift Disliked