Pablo is a local blacksmith. He's well loved, charismatic, and a flirt. He can be found at Fishensips in the evenings, playing pool with his friends.
In-game bio
Pablo is one of the characters in Coral Island that the player can befriend and eventually romance. He runs the local blacksmith shop with his baby brother Rafael.
Never been caught without a smile on his face, Pablo is a natural attraction for the locals — singles or not. According to his brother, despite Pablo's casanova persona, he is a romantic at heart and is ready to settle down when the right person comes along. When Pablo isn’t smelting ores, he can be found around town, lending hands to the townfolks, cleaning up the graveyard, or tossing anecdotes at the Tavern. Hates beaches — dislikes sands in his shoes.
This section details Pablo's day-to-day schedule in Coral Island. The regular schedule applies to all seasons and weather except those in condition-specific sections below.
Regular schedule[]
- Monday to Wednesday
- Thursday and Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Time | Activity |
08:30 | Goes to stand at the register in Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith. |
14:00 | Leaves to get tacos at Emma's Taco Truck. |
16:40 | Leaves to return to his store and watch TV. |
22:00 | Goes to bed. |
Time | Activity |
08:30 | Goes to stand at the register at Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith. |
17:30 | Leaves the shop to get a drink at the Local Tavern. |
23:00 | Leaves the tavern to return home and go to bed. |
Seasonal differences[]
- Fall, Tuesday
- Fall, Saturday
- Fall, Sunday
- Winter, Tuesday and Wednesday
Time | Activity |
07:00 | Leaves home to go stand near the Cavern entrance. |
16:00 | Leaves to garden in front of his home. |
21:00 | Returns home and goes to bed. |
Time | Activity |
07:00 | Working at the blacksmith shop. |
14:00 | Goes to work at his garage. |
21:00 | Goes to bed. |
Time | Activity |
08:30 | Goes to stand at the register in Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith. |
14:00 | Leaves to get tacos at Emma's Taco Truck. |
16:40 | Leaves to return to his store and watch TV. |
22:00 | Goes to bed. |
Time | Activity |
09:00 | Goes to work at the register at his shop. |
14:00 | Leaves the shop to drink coffee in town. |
21:00 | Leaves to return home and go to bed. |
Rainy and snowy weather[]
- Monday to Saturday
- Sunday
Time | Activity |
07:00 | Stands in his kitchen. |
09:00 | Leaves the kitchen to stand behind the register at the shop. |
16:50 | Leaves the shop to play pool at the tavern. |
21:30 | Leaves the tavern to return home and go to bed. |
Time | Activity |
09:10 | Leaves home to go to Coral Inn. |
19:10 | Leaves the inn to return home and go to bed. |
This section details Pablo's reactions to receiving specific gifts from the player. (Note that the preferences towards artisan products like yogurt or mayonnaise only apply to their regular sized versions; large sized products give universal reactions.)
Items | |
Neutral |