Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

Lily works remotely for a cybersecurity company and has no set working hours. She likes solitude and bonsai.

In-game bio

Lily is one of the characters in Coral Island that the player can befriend and eventually romance. She lives in 2 Main Ave.


Usually, Lily spends her days working at home and would visit the lake or library on the weekend. Lily is shy, passionate about programming, and more of a homebody. She loves miniature bonsai.


Despite having a well-paid remote job, Lily still lives at home with her father Jim and brother Theo. Once a week, usually on a Monday, Lily would stay at the Abandoned Villa, as a favor to her good friend, Nina. She watches the Villa while Nina’s away and uses that time to recuperate.


This section details Lily's day-to-day schedule. The regular schedule applies to all seasons and weather except those in condition-specific sections below.

Regular schedule[]

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday to Sunday
08:00Working on the computer in her room.
12:00Leaves home to go to the Abandoned Villa and spend the rest of the day there.
07:00Working on her laptop in the kitchen.
19:00Heads back to her room to work there.
22:00Goes to bed.
10:00Leaves her home to tend the bonsais outside.
14:00Heads to the lake to sit and relax there.
18:30Leaves the lake to go back to her room and work.
22:00Goes to bed.
10:00Working on the computer in her room.
14:00Leaves the house to water the bonsai outside.
18:00Returns home to have dinner in the kitchen.
19:00Returns to her room to work.
22:00Goes to bed.

Seasonal differences[]

  • Summer; Monday
  • Summer; Thursday
  • Fall; Tuesday
  • Fall; Sunday
  • Fall 24
  • Winter; Monday
  • Winter; Tuesday
  • Winter; Sunday
09:00Heads to the kitchen to have breakfast.
10:00Leaves home to chat with Nina near the Abandoned Villa.
16:00Heads back home to read a book in her room.
23:00Goes to bed.
07:00Leaves home to chat with Nina near the Abandoned Villa.
18:00Heads home to cook dinner in the kitchen.
22:00Goes to bed.
10:00Leaves her home to tend the bonsais outside.
14:00Heads to the lake to sit and relax there.
18:30Leaves the lake to go back to her room and work.
22:00Goes to bed.
08:00Leaves home to go to the Community Center and work in the library area there.
16:00Leaves the Community Center and heads to the tavern to eat.
22:30Leaves the tavern to return home and sleep.
08:00Working in her room.
11:00Leaves home to visit the town's graveyard.
19:00Returns home and to her room to work.
22:00Goes to bed.
07:00Working on her laptop in the kitchen.
19:00Heads back to her room to work there.
22:00Goes to bed.
10:00Leaves her home to tend the bonsais outside.
14:00Heads to the lake to sit and relax there.
18:30Leaves the lake to go back to her room and work.
22:00Goes to bed.
08:00Leaves home to go to the Community Center and work in the library area there.
16:00Leaves the Community Center and heads to the tavern to eat.
22:30Leaves the tavern to return home and sleep.

Rainy or stormy weather[]

  • Any day except Wednesday
  • Wednesday
08:00Leaves home to go shopping at Sam's General Store.
14:30Heads back home to work in her room.
21:00Goes to bed.
08:00Leaves home to go read in the Community Center.
14:30Heads back home to work in her room.
21:00Goes to bed.


This section details Lily's reactions to receiving specific gifts from the player. (Note that the preferences towards artisan products like yogurt or mayonnaise only apply to their regular sized versions; large sized products give universal reactions.)

Gift icon Items
Loved gift Loved
Liked gift Liked
Disliked gift Disliked