Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

The Library is a section in the Community Center where Millie works.

The Library will now be filled as the player's town ranks rises. Reading some of the books will grant perks.

Available Books[]

The following are books that the player can read to increase their skills.

Name Section Town Rank Learn
Millie's note: The Giants A D
The Creation of Coral Island A D
The Notes of Explorer M. Loft, Pt. I A
Pufferfish, Inc. Vol. 1 A A
Pufferfish, Inc. Vol. 2 A A
Strange Event Save Small Island From Oil Disaster A A
Deep Forest Monkey Chants A A
Do Good: An Investigation of the Effects of Ethical Dilemmas on Coral Reefs and Fish Communities. A S
Local Fisherman Caught Giant Stingray B C Fishing knowledge
A Day in the Life: A Bug-Catcher B C Catching knowledge
Furry Herring: Fact or Fiction? B S Fishing knowledge
The Rare Butterflies of the World B S Catching knowledge
Coral Island's Most Wanted Critters B S Catching knowledge
Farming: Getting Started! C F Farming knowledge
Ranching: The basics C F Ranching knowledge
Foraging: The basics C F Foraging knowledge
B.O.S Survival Guide C F Combat knowledge
Equipment Slot: The basics C F Crawling critter scent & Medium fish bait recipe
Farming: Artisan goods guide D D Bee house, Ordinary scarecrow & Mayonnaise machine recipe
The Stamina Fruit D D
Romance 101: Wooing your Potential Partner! D C Befriending 10% faster
How to Craft: Rare Items Edition D C Slime of replication recipe
Romance 101: Tying The Knot D A Eloquent Silver Tongue
(Moderately increases your rate of earning friendship points)
A Deep Dive of the Mythical Kelp E E
Geologist Dossier: Elemental Caverns E E
Facts About four-leaf Clover Phenomenon E E
Curious Case of Coral Island's Lotus E E
Mystery: Giant Crops E D Farming knowledge
The Slime War 1 F B
The Slime War 2 F B
Old Farmer Diary F S Farming knowledge

