Coral Island Wiki

The hoe is a tool mainly used for tilling soil to prepare it for farming, but can also be used to dig any soil or sand around the island in search of items. The hoe can also be used to dig up the clovers that appear randomly throughout the map for a chance at rarer items, such as fossil nodes and coffers.

The hoe can be upgraded at Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith and enchanted at Giants village.


The basic hoe allows the player to till one square of soil at a time. Once upgraded, it can be used to till multiple tiles by holding the button used to swing it until it is charged. The tilled area is always located in the direction the player is facing.

All hoes consume 3 energy per tile hit if any soil gets tilled, and 1 energy if no squares get tilled at all. Leveling the Farming mastery and gaining Farming Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Hoe Max charge level Tilled area on max charge Enchantment slot
Hoe Hoe 0 1x1 1
Bronze hoe Bronze hoe 1 1x3 1
Silver hoe Silver hoe 2 3x3 2
Gold hoe Gold hoe 3 5x3 2
Osmium hoe Osmium hoe 4 5x5 3

LocationItemPricePurchase limit
Sanchez Brothers BlacksmithBronze hoe Bronze hoeCoin × 1,500Hoe Hoe × 1Bronze bar Bronze bar × 5Wood Wood × 201
Silver hoe Silver hoeCoin × 3,000Bronze hoe Bronze hoe × 1Silver bar Silver bar × 5Wood Wood × 201
Gold hoe Gold hoeCoin × 10,000Silver hoe Silver hoe × 1Gold bar Gold bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 51
Osmium hoe Osmium hoeCoin × 20,000Gold hoe Gold hoe × 1Osmium bar Osmium bar × 3Hardwood Hardwood × 51

