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The player can form a bond of friendship with townies, giants and merfolk (merfolk currently not implemented). The better the player gets to know the them, the more stories and dialogues the player will discover. Friendship does not decay over time.

Currently, player may eventually gain heart level when chatting with some strangers as well without any seen impact.

Heart points[]

The player's Heart heart points, or friendship points, with a character is represented with a heart gauge that gets filled over time as the player talks to that character and gives them gifts.

Heart level Icon Friendship points required Total points required
1 Heart 1 icon 300 300
2 Heart 2 icon 350 650
3 Heart 3 icon 400 1,050
4 Heart 4 icon 450 1,500
5 Heart 5 icon 500 2,000
6 Heart 6 icon 550 2,550
7 Heart 7 icon 600 3,150
8 Heart 8 icon 650 3,800
9 Heart 9 icon 700 4,500
10 Heart 10 icon 750 5,250

While regular characters have max heart level of 10, dateable characters will have their heart maxed at level 8. To unlock max level up to 10, they need to be dated by giving them Locket. Multiple characters can be dated.

Further, once the dated character is wed, the max heart becomes 15, and currently there can only be one spouse.

Heart level Icon Friendship points required Total points required
11 File:Heart 11 icon.png 800 6,050
12 File:Heart 12 icon.png 850 6,900
13 File:Heart 13 icon.png 900 7,800
14 File:Heart 14 icon.png 950 8,750
15 File:Heart 15 icon.png 1,000 9,750

Heart events[]

Gaining heart level with each character will unlock unique events. The event triggers and conditions vary depending on the character. Refer to each character events information for more details.

Earning heart points[]

The player can earn HeartHeart friendship points with characters by chatting with them daily and giving them gifts.


The player can chat with each character to get 35 HeartHeart friendship points per day. During festivals chatting may earn 0, 35, 50, or 85 HeartHeart friendship points, if they haven't talked on that day yet. The player can chat with a character as many times as they want until their lines for the day are exhausted without earning more points for that day.

The characters have a variety of lines they can give to the player: generic lines, the lines specific to their current location, the lines specific to the current season, or the lines specific to their heart level with the player. The characters can give their reactions to some in-game story events like the arrival of Pufferfish Drilling Corp into town or the Museum expansion. Some characters will also comment on the player holding a weapon in their hand or wearing a Pufferfish farmer outfit, a Chicken suit, a Panda outfit, or wearing no clothing at all. Additionally, there is a small chance to hear the characters slip up and give rare dialogue lines that are often very personal and non-repeatable.


The player can ask certain characters for a hangout while their hands are empty. The hangouts can be normal hangouts or dates with romantic interests. Some hangout locations have weather requirements or need to be unlocked for the player to visit them.


See also: Gift preferences page for a sortable list of all characters and their individual gift preferences

Gifting is a primary mechanic of earning HeartHeart friendship points with characters. The player can give each character up to two gifts per one in-game week (plus one additional gift on a character's birthday). In order to gift an item, the player needs to place it in their inventory hotbar and interact with the character they want to gift the item to.

Most items in the game, such as scavengeables, crops, fish, insects, artisan products, meals, and even trash, can be gifted. Each character has their individual gift preferences: they can love, like, dislike or hate the gift, or have no reaction to it. Characters will have different interactions with the player based on their preference towards the item. The more the character likes the gift, the bigger the HeartHeart friendship points gain. Dislike and hated items on the other hand have minus HeartHeart friendship points gain, however it will never go beyond the current heart level, or in other words, heart level won't decrease. Example after table below.

Gifting points[]

Gift preference Points
Love 140
Like 70
Neutral 35
Dislike* -35
Hate* -70
*For example the player has reached 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts)/heart level 4 with Ben and is having 1550 HeartHeart friendship points. As from table above, 1500 HeartHeart friendship points is required for 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts)/heart level 4. If at this time Ben is given something he dislike, the friendship point will decrease to 1515, but if at that time he was given something he hate, the friendship point will not decrease and stay at 1550 as 1550-70 is 1480 and 1480 is below the friendship points required for that level which is 1500. Or to summarize, the heart level will stay at 4Heart 4 icon (4 hearts)/heart level 4 and will not go back to 3Heart 3 icon (3 hearts)/heart level 3.

Item multiplier[]

On top of that, there is a multiplier if the item has better quality.

Item quality Multiplier
Bronze 1.15x
Silver 1.3x
Gold 1.5x
Osmium 2x

Note that fractions will be rounded down.

Birthday multiplier[]

It doesn't stop here, if it's given during a character birthday, it will be multiplied by 5. Meaning, if it's a loved item, osmium quality, and given during birthday, 1,400 HeartHeart friendship points will be earned. Do note some characters do not celebrate birthday, so the birthday multiplier isn't applicable for them.


Townies may randomly request for errands. Completing the errand will earn 250 HeartHeart friendship points with that character. See Errands.


There are certain milestones that provide HeartHeart friendship points to all townies. However these points won't be retrospectively added to townies the player haven't met. The points mechanics will be revisited once merfolk friendship is available to check whether those are awarded to merfolk as well. Currently, Giants are not affected by these points

One time[]

Activity Points
Reach TownTown rank icon Town rank E 70
Reach TownTown rank icon Town rank D 85
Reach TownTown rank icon Town rank C 100
Reach TownTown rank icon Town rank B 125
Reach TownTown rank icon Town rank A 150
Complete Pickstarter LaunchQuest menuPickstarter Launch 70
Complete The Coral TreeQuest menuThe Coral Tree 150
Obtain Healing The WorldHealing The World 150
Complete Tree Planting Festival IQuest menuTree Planting Festival I 70
Complete Tree Planting Festival IIQuest menuTree Planting Festival II 70
Complete Tree Planting Festival IIIQuest menuTree Planting Festival III 70


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  • Festivals


Some minority of the main quests also provide HeartHeart friendship points to certain character upon completion.

The mail side quests will set the heart level to 1 with 300 HeartHeart friendship points towards the requestor when the heart level is 1 or below. Meaning, if the friendship points are below 300 it will be boosted to 300, reaching heart level 1, however, if the friendship points are already reaching the next level, e.g. 630, it will reset back to 300.


Players are able to date and eventually marry one of the 25 dateable characters and start a family with them. In order to do so, players must reach a certain level of friendship and unlock the character's story. Romance is not restricted to any gender.


Various interaction can earn some badges. Refer to the page for exact requirement.

Badge Requirement
Charitable HeartCharitable Heart Charitable Heart Give a gift to 25 NPCs
Multi-level GiftingMulti-level Gifting Multi-level Gifting Give a gift to all NPCs
It's A Date!It's A Date! It's A Date! Start dating an NPC
A New ChapterA New Chapter A New Chapter Get married
A Full HouseA Full House A Full House Have 2 children
Let's Be PlatonicLet's Be Platonic Let's Be Platonic Reach heart 5 with an NPC
Good FriendsGood Friends Good Friends Reach heart 8 with an NPC
The Best of FriendsThe Best of Friends The Best of Friends Reach heart 10 with an NPC
Popular NewcomerPopular Newcomer Popular Newcomer Reach heart 5 with 25 NPCs
Social ButterflySocial Butterfly Social Butterfly Reach heart 8 with 25 NPCs
Coral Island's SweetheartCoral Island's Sweetheart Coral Island's Sweetheart Reach heart 8 with All NPCs

