Coral Island Wiki
Coral Island Wiki

Foraging, also called scavenging or gathering, is one of the masteries that involves the player gathering items in the wild on Coral Island and cutting trees. The player can use the items for various things, from gifts to cooking to selling them for money.

Foraging mastery[]

The player can increase their foraging mastery level by cutting down trees and regularly gathering items on the island. Most of these actions give the player foraging experience; as the player obtains more experience, their foraging mastery level improve, allowing them to unlock new crafting recipes and useful skills.


The player's actions that depend on and increase their foraging mastery level are detailed below. Foraging ocean scavengables will only give diving experience. Destroying trees using bombs will also provide points. Note that these are referring to trees growth state and not referring to fruit plants or fruit trees. Gathering any coconut will not provide foraging points.

Action Points
Cutting a tree seed, sprout, or seedling (baby tree) 0
Cutting a tree sapling (young tree) 4
Cutting a tree (mature tree) 10
Cutting a stump/large stump 4
Cutting a log 1
Cutting a large log (off farm) 0
Cutting a large log (in the farm) 15
Gathering a regular quality item 6
Gathering a bronze quality item 7.5
Gathering a silver quality item 9
Gathering a gold quality item 12
Gathering an osmium quality item 15


Reaching a new level in foraging mastery grants the player new crafting recipes when they go to sleep to end their day.

Level Exp Total Exp Recipes unlocked
1 120 120 Candied tree seed Candied tree seed
2 290 410 Kiln Kiln
3 490 900 Wooden fence Wooden fenceWooden gate Wooden gateWood floor tile Wood floor tile
4 740 1,640 Tap TapWood sign Wood sign
5 1,140 2,780 Wooden chest Wooden chestWooden arch Wooden arch
6 1,540 4,320 Mushroom log Mushroom log
7 2,140 6,460 Hedge fence Hedge fenceHedge gate Hedge gate
8 2,740 9,200 Oil press Oil press
9 3,640 12,840 None
10 4,640 17,480 None


Every other foraging mastery level gained allows the player to unlock one skill. The player will be able to unlock up to five skills by leveling up. The last skill can be unlocked by purchasing foraging elixir.

Skill Description and effect
Shovel skill Speed Demon 15% increase in sprinting speed.
Rare drop skill Quality Forage 10% chance to forage better-quality items. (Only affects land forageable items.)
Gather skill Double Foraging 5% chance to forage double items.
Gather skill Exceptional Cutter 2% chance for regular trees to drop hardwood.
Only regular fully mature trees get a small chance to drop one hardwood in addition to their regular drops.
Merchant skill Forage Price 15% increase to the selling price of all foraged goods. (Only affects land forageable items, and includes all tree seeds, hay and fiber. )
Proficiency skill Hasten Nature 10% lower process time for bee houses and mushroom logs


The higher the player's foraging level is, the less energy it costs to use axe. Using consumables that grant a gathering proficiency buff can temporarily further reduce the stamina cost.

Foraging mastery Energy cost reduction
1 5%
2 10%
3 15%
4 20%
5 25%
6 30%
7 35%
8 40%
9 45%
10 50%


Chopping wild trees and tree seedlings on the farm and in the wild earns the player foraging experience and is affected by foraging skill. Only wild trees are affected, the five types of wild trees available are maple, oak, pine, mahogany, and poplar.

Spawning and locations[]

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needs description of some areas + verification if the daily spawns work as described

New forageable items can potentially appear overnight on the main island map. For item spawn purposes the map is divided into separate areas, with each area having its own limit on the number of items that can spawn there.

If left unharvested, the forageable items will disappear after a week.

The spawn limit in the table below denotes how many forageables can be present in an area before they stop spawning daily. If the limit is zero, that means no new forageables will spawn until all items present in the area are harvested or disappear.

Area name Daily spawns Limit Description
Forest (Farm) 0-4 0 The part of the forest immediately west of the player's farm.
Forest (Lower) 0-4 0 The sunken part of the forest surrounding the Cavern and its neighboring stream.
Forest (Higher) 0-4 0 The raised part of the forest that curves around from the Huntress Cabin to the Ranch to the Caravan in the north.
Forest (Mid) 0-4 0 Unlockable area, needs more information.
Garden Lane 0-4 0 The grassy area between the farm and the town where Millie's and Yuri's house is.
Beach 1-4 10 The southern beach where Beach Shack and the volleyball court are.
Beach trash 0-2 0 The part of the southern beach including the shallow water and the small island where trash spawns.
Inn beach 1-3 10 The part of the beach south of Coral Inn, between the diving pier and the lookout.
Lake 0-4 0 The area around the lake where the Lake Temple is.
Woodlands 0-4 0 A natural area north of the center of town where several of the townies live. The school is also here.
Town 0-4 0 The main central part of the town. Forageables usually spawn in grassy areas here.
Lookout 0-4 0 The southwestern-most point of the map where the lighthouse is located. Items can be found in the grassy areas between it, the inn, and the farm.
Vineyard 0-4 0 The part of the Hillside where the Vineyard is located. Includes the area around the Observatory.
Hot Spring 0-4 0 The area outside the Hot Spring and Bath House.

List of forageable items[]

The items available for scavenging on the island change depending on the current season. Ocean and beach scavengables stay the same regardless of the season; additionally, there are several items available all year round.

Wild coconut palms growing on the island will bring harvest once per every season. The palms are only harvestable during specific dates and can be harvested once per season. When the player shakes a palm, they get 1-3 coconuts, with the variety of coconuts depending on the current season.

Picking up a scavengeable item in the wild or shaking a palm tree to harvest it consumes no energy.


Item Item group Season Sell price Restores
Bamboo shoot Bamboo shoot Vegetable Any Coin 35 Energy 27   
Health 29
Flame scallop Flame scallop Scallop

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 20 Energy 21   
Health 15
Ginger Ginger Herb Any Coin 45 Energy 61   
Health 22
Ginseng Ginseng Herb Any Coin 90 Energy 150   
Health 60


These beach scavengeables can be gathered on the southern beach or on the beach south of Coral Inn and east of the Lighthouse during any season. Currently shells have no specific use and can only be gifted, shipped, or sold at Beach Shack.

Item Item group Season Sell price Restores
Clam shell Clam shell Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 20 Energy 14   
Health 14
Cockle Cockle Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 35 Energy 20   
Health 19
Flame scallop Flame scallop Scallop

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 20 Energy 21   
Health 15
Junonia shell Junonia shell Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 25
Murex Murex Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 20
Purple cowry shell Purple cowry shell Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 30
Sunray venus shell Sunray venus shell Shell

Beach scavengeable

Any Coin 25


These items can be gathered on the ocean floor when diving. Unlike land forageable items, they give diving experience when picked up.

Item Item group Season Sell price Restores
Amber pen shell Amber pen shell Clam Any Coin 20 Energy 32   
Health 30
Arame Arame Seaweed (group) Any Coin 15 Energy 5   
Health 7
Bay scallop Bay scallop Scallop Any Coin 30 Energy 40   
Health 35
Belon oyster Belon oyster Oyster Any Coin 20 Energy 25   
Health 24
Black sea urchin Black sea urchin Sea urchin Any Coin 25 Energy 45   
Health 25
Blood clam Blood clam Clam Any Coin 15 Energy 25   
Health 24
Blue mussel Blue mussel Mussel Any Coin 25 Energy 20   
Health 20
Blue oyster Blue oyster Oyster Any Coin 45 Energy 25   
Health 24
Calico scallop Calico scallop Scallop Any Coin 25 Energy 40   
Health 35
Cherrystone clam Cherrystone clam Clam Any Coin 20 Energy 32   
Health 30
Duck mussel Duck mussel Mussel Any Coin 15 Energy 32   
Health 30
Eastern oyster Eastern oyster Oyster Any Coin 40 Energy 25   
Health 24
Geoduck Geoduck Clam Any Coin 50 Energy 35   
Health 30
Gooseneck barnacle Gooseneck barnacle Clam Any Coin 40 Energy 32   
Health 30
Green lipped mussel Green lipped mussel Mussel Any Coin 30 Energy 32   
Health 30
Green sea urchin Green sea urchin Sea urchin Any Coin 45 Energy 45   
Health 25
Heart urchin Heart urchin Sea urchin Any Coin 55 Energy 50   
Health 30
Horse mussel Horse mussel Mussel Any Coin 40 Energy 32   
Health 30
Jackknife clam Jackknife clam Clam Any Coin 20 Energy 25   
Health 24
King scallop King scallop Scallop Any Coin 40 Energy 40   
Health 35
Kombu Kombu Seaweed (group) Any Coin 35 Energy 29   
Health 28
Kumamoto oyster Kumamoto oyster Oyster Any Coin 35 Energy 25   
Health 24
Mediterranean scallop Mediterranean scallop Scallop Any Coin 20 Energy 40   
Health 35
Olympia oyster Olympia oyster Oyster Any Coin 55 Energy 25   
Health 24
Pacific oyster Pacific oyster Oyster Any Coin 15 Energy 25   
Health 24
Patagonian scallop Patagonian scallop Scallop Any Coin 30 Energy 40   
Health 35
Purple urchin Purple urchin Sea urchin Any Coin 40 Energy 45   
Health 25
Quahog Quahog Clam Any Coin 35 Energy 35   
Health 30
Queen scallop Queen scallop Scallop Any Coin 40 Energy 40   
Health 35
Razor clam Razor clam Clam Any Coin 30 Energy 32   
Health 30
Red sea urchin Red sea urchin Sea urchin Any Coin 60 Energy 50   
Health 30
Sea grapes Sea grapes Seaweed (group) Any Coin 50 Energy 25   
Health 24
Sea lettuce Sea lettuce Seaweed (group) Any Coin 30 Energy 25   
Health 24
Sea mushroom Sea mushroom Mushroom Any Coin 40 Energy 25   
Health 24
Sea salt Sea salt Any Coin 20
Seaweed Seaweed Seaweed (group) Any Coin 2 Energy 5   
Health 7
Steamer clam Steamer clam Clam Any Coin 15 Energy 25   
Health 24
Zebra mussel Zebra mussel Mussel Any Coin 20 Energy 32   
Health 30


Item Item group Season Sell price Restores
Black beauty eggplant Black beauty eggplant Fruit Winter Coin 45 Energy 28   
Health 30
Black trumpet Black trumpet Mushroom Fall Coin 40 Energy 35   
Health 40
Brussel sprouts Brussel sprouts Vegetable Winter Coin 30 Energy 10   
Health 10
Canola Canola Flower Spring Coin 35 Energy 25   
Health 36
Celery Celery Vegetable Fall Coin 20 Energy 30   
Health 32
Cherry Cherry Fruit Spring Coin 75 Energy 50   
Health 50
Chestnut Chestnut Fruit Fall Coin 45 Energy 40   
Health 27
Coconut Coconut Coconut


Spring Coin 45 Energy 16   
Health 24
Coconut de mer Coconut de mer Fruit


Winter Coin 150 Energy 20   
Health 27
Coral tall coconut Coral tall coconut Fruit


Summer Coin 35 Energy 16   
Health 16
Cosmo Cosmo Flower Summer Coin 20 Energy 16   
Health 15
Daffodil Daffodil Flower Spring Coin 10 Energy 23   
Health 22
Fig Fig Fruit Fall Coin 45 Energy 18   
Health 25
Hibiscus Hibiscus Flower Summer Coin 25 Energy 17   
Health 16
Jepun Jepun Flower Fall Coin 15 Energy 23   
Health 22
Kale Kale Vegetable Winter Coin 30 Energy 30   
Health 36
Larkspur Larkspur Flower Summer Coin 20 Energy 16   
Health 15
Lotus Lotus Flower Fall Coin 30 Energy 24   
Health 23
Macapuno coconut Macapuno coconut Fruit


Fall Coin 75 Energy 17   
Health 24
Mangosteen Mangosteen Fruit Spring Coin 60 Energy 23   
Health 33
Matsutake Matsutake Mushroom Fall Coin 80 Energy 55   
Health 55
Morel Morel Mushroom Spring Coin 40 Energy 30   
Health 40
Pansy Pansy Flower Winter Coin 15 Energy 10   
Health 10
Rafflesia Rafflesia Flower Winter Coin 420
Rose hip Rose hip Fruit Winter Coin 25 Energy 23   
Health 33
Shallot Shallot Vegetable Summer Coin 30 Energy 30   
Health 30
Shiitake Shiitake Mushroom Spring Coin 40 Energy 30   
Health 40
Tea berry Tea berry Fruit Winter Coin 30 Energy 23   
Health 33
Titan arum Titan arum Flower Fall Coin 420
Tulip Tulip Flower Spring Coin 10 Energy 18   
Health 16
Violet Violet Flower Spring Coin 10 Energy 19   
Health 18
Wasabi Wasabi Vegetable Spring Coin 55 Energy 30   
Health 30
Watercress Watercress Vegetable Summer Coin 50 Energy 17   
Health 16
White hibiscus White hibiscus Flower Summer Coin 40 Energy 20   
Health 19


Sturdy computer will have the ability to do forage forecasting once forage component is bought. It will show a UI with list of location and possible scavengeables for that day. The list of possible scavengeables will change depends on the season. If the UI is zoomed in, it will show the actual scavengeables in different spots in the map, either on land or under the sea.

Default List Zoomed-in
Sturdy computer foraging default Sturdy computer foraging list Sturdy computer foraging zoomedin

