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Fishing with a dog watching

Fishing is a game mechanic in Coral Island that allows the player to use a fishing pole to catch fish from a body of water. The fish caught can be used as an ingredient for cooking, gifted to other characters, donated to the museum, or sold for money.

Players can see which fish they have caught by viewing their Journal.

There are plans under deliberation to allow the player to disable fishing mini-games.[1]

Fishing mastery[]

The fishing mastery pertains to all things having to do with catching fish. The fishing proficiency is increased as the player gain level in their catching mastery. Gaining levels also allows them to obtain new crafting recipes or points to spend for new skill.


The player can increase their fishing mastery by catching fish in various bodies of water. The experience gained depends on the difficulty of the fish the player catches, with more difficult species giving more experience points, with a bonus for the quality of the fish caught. Breeding fish through fish pond is also a good way to earn points even though lack of triggering learned skills.

Action Points Fish
Catching fish with very easy difficulty 6
Catching fish with easy difficulty 7
Catching fish with medium difficulty 10
Catching fish with hard difficulty 20
Catching fish with very hard difficulty 30
Catching fish of regular quality 2
Catching fish of bronze quality 4
Catching fish of silver quality 10
Catching fish of gold quality 16
Catching fish of osmium quality 24
*For example, catching regular chub will earn 8 points, while catching osmium chub will earn 30 points.

These osmium fish are the highest earning exp fish and the fastest to breed:


Reaching a new level in fishing mastery sometimes grants the player new crafting recipes when they go to sleep to end their day.

Level Exp Total Exp Recipes unlocked
1 120 120 Small fish bait Small fish bait
2 290 410 Sushi Sushi
3 490 900 File:Bamboo net small.png Bamboo net small
4 740 1,640 Medium fish bait Medium fish bait
5 1,140 2,780 None
6 1,540 4,320 None
7 2,140 6,460 None
8 2,740 9,200 Large fish bait Large fish bait
9 3,640 12,840 None
10 4,640 17,480 None


Every other level of fishing mastery gained allows the player to unlock one skill. The player will be able to unlock up to five skills by leveling up. The last skill can be unlocked by purchasing fishing elixir.

Skill Description and effect
Fishing skill Bait Quantity Craft 50% more bait.
Rare drop skill Quality Fish 10% chance for better quality
Fishing skill Double Fish 5% chance to catch double fish.
Fishing skill Strong Arms 10% Lower fish resistance while fishing.
Merchant skill Fish Price 25% increase to the selling price of all fish.
Fishing skill Lucky Angler 3% chance for an instant pull while fishing.


The higher the player's fishing level is, the less energy it costs to use the fishing pole. Using consumables that grant a fishing proficiency buff can temporarily further reduce the stamina cost.

Fishing mastery Energy cost reduction
1 5%
2 10%
3 15%
4 20%
5 25%
6 30%
7 35%
8 40%
9 45%
10 50%

Fishing controls[]

Most bodies of water in the game can be fished from. Basic fishing is done by casting the end of the fishing line into a body of water. The player casts the fishing rod by holding the right mouse button, then releasing it; as the player holds down the button, their casting gauge fills. The higher the cast number when the player releases the button, the further the bobber will fly. Additionally, the cast length affects the player's chances to catch trash and rarer fish.

Once the line is cast, the player needs to wait until a fish bites. Once a fish bites, the fishing mini-game starts immediately. During the mini-game, the player's objective is to reel the fish in by holding or tapping the left mouse button while avoiding the tension to rise enough for the fish to snap the line. Once the player reels the fish in, they are shown what species it is and its size in centimeters, and the fish gets added to their inventory.


Cast length[]

The length of the cast when fishing can influence the fish's rarity and size, as well as the odds of catching trash, and there is a constant small chance of catching a rare item like a geode or coffer. Quality of fishing pole affects max cast length and some other parameters that affects fishing efficiency.

For most spawn locations, the distribution is:

Cast Length Trash chance Treasure chance Fish chance Fish chance breakdown by size Fish chance breakdown by rarity
1 35% .05% 64.95% Small: 52.5%
Medium: 37.5%
Large: 10.0%
Common: 58.25%
Uncommon: 30.0%
Rare: 8.75%
Legendary: 3%
2 30% .05% 69.95% Small: 48.5%
Medium: 39.0%
Large: 12.5%
Common: 51.75%
Uncommon: 32.5%
Rare: 11.5%
Legendary: 4.25%
3 30% .05% 69.95% Small: 42.5%
Medium: 42.5%
Large: 15.0%
Common: 44.5%
Uncommon: 35.0%
Rare: 14.75%
Legendary: 5.75%
4 25% .05% 74.95% Small: 37.5%
Medium: 45.0%
Large: 17.5%
Common: 37.0%
Uncommon: 37.5%
Rare: 18.5%
Legendary: 7.0%
5 15% .05% 84.95% Small: 32.0%
Medium: 46.5%
Large: 21.5%
Common: 29.0%
Uncommon: 41.5%
Rare: 21.0%
Legendary: 8.5%
6 5% .05% 94.95% Small: 27.0%
Medium: 48.0%
Large: 25.0%
Common: 20.0%
Uncommon: 45.0%
Rare: 25.0%
Legendary: 10.0%
*Example, if cast length is 6, the chance of getting common fish is ~19%. If cast length is 1, the chance of getting large fish is ~6.5%.

Trash and treasures[]

While fishing, there's still at least 5% chance to find trash or flyer even at max cast length. There's also 0.05% chance to find treasure at any cast length.

Treasure Location
Coffer Coffer Any except in cavern
Earth geode Earth geode Earth mine
Water geode Water geode Water mine
Wind geode Wind geode Wind mine
Fire geode Fire geode Fire mine
Grilled fish Grilled fish Lava pond at fire mine

Rarity of fish[]

So far rarity of fish can't be influenced during fishing. However, there are some variant of fish that can be fished in the mines with lower rarity compared to their regular counterpart. There are 4 rarity group:

Rarity Fish
Common fish
Common mine fish variants
Uncommon fish
Uncommon mine fish variant
Rare fish
Legendary fish

Legendary fish will take 4 days to breed in fish pond while the rest will only take 2 days.

Size of fish[]

Cast length and bait can influence fish's size during fishing. There are 3 size group:

Size Fish
Large fish
Medium fish
Small fish


Bait can be attached to a fishing pole using the equipable slot for it in the player's inventory. Baits can be used to increase the chance catching different size of fish. Bait can be crafted or can also be purchased from the Beach Shack.

Large fish bait Large fish bait × 2Seaweed Seaweed × 2Any small fish Any small fish × 1In-menu
Chance of large fish +25%Fishing mastery Fishing level 8
Medium fish bait Medium fish bait × 2Seaweed Seaweed × 2Any insect Any insect × 1In-menu
Chance of medium fish +25%Fishing mastery Fishing level 4
Small fish bait Small fish bait × 2Seaweed Seaweed × 2Bronze kelp Bronze kelp × 1In-menu
Chance of small fish +25%Fishing mastery Fishing level 1

Fish patterns[]

All fish are assigned one of a few possible swim patterns that can be observed when they're on the line. The pattern can be used to further narrow down the kind of fish that is on the hook.

Pattern Fish
None Trash TrashFlyer Flyer


Sturdy computer will have the ability to do fish forecasting once fishing component is bought. It will show a UI with list of location, time and possible catchable fish for that day. The list of possible catchables will change depends on the date, season, and weather. Currently, cavern is not included in fish location, hence fish like silver arowana and red king arowana are not shown in the list.

Default List
Sturdy computer fishing default Sturdy computer fishing list



  1. Coral Island Kickstarter FAQ. Kickstarter. Stairway Games. Published February 20, 2021. "This is definitely possible, and relatively easy to implement. We've been getting input on... Disabling fishing mini-games... We'll figure something out for this."

