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Petting the dog

Farm animals provide players with resources that can be processed into artisan products or sold directly. All farm animals require players to build a farm building to house them, such as a coop or a barn, before the purchase of farm animals. Farm animals can be purchased at the Ranch.

Pets and Mythical Pets are types of animal companions that are separate from standard farm animals.

General mechanics[]

Obtaining animals[]

All farm animals can be purchased at the Ranch. The store's selection depends on the player's town rank and the presence of any barns or coops on the farm.



Animals can be fed manually by placing hay on the feeder, or automatically by auto feeder (with hay in the silo). There is 25% chance for animal feed to stay filled the next day if Animal FeedAnimal skill Animal Feed is learned. Animals can also be let outside with grass on sunny days. Letting animals outside on rainy days will worsen their mood. Animals that are let outside will automatically return home at the end of the day.

Fodder upgrade[]

The Laboratory offers upgrade to the quality of the player's seeds, plants, fruit trees, and hay. Each upgrade costs some essence produced from kelps using the Extractor and game money. Each upgrade requires 2 days without the need of manually collecting the upgrade unlike upgrading tools.

Upgrade Type Cost Essence
HayBronze hay 2,000 Coin Bronze kelp essence Bronze kelp essence × 8
HaySilver hay 5,000 Coin Silver kelp essence Silver kelp essence × 8
HayGold hay 10,000 Coin Gold kelp essence Gold kelp essence × 8
HayOsmium hay 20,000 Coin Osmium kelp essence Osmium kelp essence × 8

Upgrades purchased at the laboratory apply to all hay in the player's inventory and all future hay purchases with no increase in price. Once upgraded, there will be higher chance to obtain higher quality for all animal products. There is an additional of 10% chance for higher quality if Quality ProductRare drop skill Quality Product is learned.


Animals can become sick if they are not fed, or if they have been hot or cold during summer or winter due to no temperature machine installed in the animal house. If it's due to the latter, 1 animal can be affected in animal house level 1 and 2 animals can be affected in animal house level 2. The longer the consecutive days of being not taken care because of those reasons, the higher the chance to get sick.

When an animal is sick, it will not produce nor gain friendship points and will require animal medicine for instant recovery, or up to 4 days for manual recovery. The first time animal get sick, Jack will send an animal medicine in the mail.

Hearts & mood[]

Similar to befriending characters, animals have heart level of maximum 10, and friendship points required to level up the heart level. On top of that, it has 3 different mood level, bad mood, neutral and happy. Hearts and mood will impact the size/type of their products. Unlike characters, farm animals have the same friendship points required for each heart level although the exact points is currently unknown.

These are the factors that affect heart points and mood. Animal house size, being petted, being fed, fodder quality, being affected by weather outside (plus rate during good weather, minus during bad weather), being in good temperature.

Tested sample is provided in table below. The sample conditions in the table are: animals are fed basic hay daily, not having access to outdoor area, and no skill is learned.

Days required for 1 heart level Animal house level Petted daily Temperature machine installed
~4.2 days 2 Yes Yes
~4.5 days 2 Yes No
~5 days 2 No Yes
~5 days 2 No No
~6.5 days 1 Yes Yes
~7 days 1 Yes No
~12 days 1 No Yes
~12 days 1 No No

There is an additional of 5% increased heart rate if Fast FriendsAnimal skill Fast Friends is learned.

Types of farm animals and their products[]

Healthy animals will produce after fed for days mentioned in table below. E.g. if a duck is bought on day 1, it will produce on day 3, day 5, etc as long as it is fed throughout those days.

Size of the animal products depends on their mood and and heart level. Golden products is achieved by winning particular animal competition.

Animal products except milk and wool will stay on where they are when they are left uncollected. Auto collector is able to collect any animal products except pigs' and luwaks'. Pigs and luwaks will only produce when they're outside and have access to grass (they won't produce on rainy days). They only need to be outside on the day they are supposed to produce.

There's also chance to harvest double animal products if Double ProductsRanching tools skill Double Products is learned.

List of farm animals[]

Animal Housing Housing level Buy price Sell price Day(s) to produce Products Tool Town rank required
Cow Cow Barn Barn 2,500 Coin 1,500 Coin 1 Milk Milk
Large milk Large milk
Golden milk Golden milk
Large golden milk Large golden milk
Milk pail Milk pail
Chicken Chicken Coop Coop 600 Coin 360 Coin 1 Egg Egg
Large egg Large egg
Golden egg Golden egg
Large golden egg Large golden egg
Duck Duck Coop Coop 1,000 Coin 600 Coin 2 Duck egg Duck egg
Large duck egg Large duck egg
Peafowl Peafowl Coop Coop 2 20,000 Coin 12,000 Coin 4 Feather Feather
Large feather Large feather
Quail Quail Coop Coop 2 5,000 Coin 3,000 Coin 4 Quail egg Quail egg
Large quail egg Large quail egg
Goat Goat Barn Barn 2 8,000 Coin 4,800 Coin 2 Goat milk Goat milk
Large goat milk Large goat milk
Milk pail Milk pail D
Llama Llama Barn Barn 2 30,000 Coin

(two Llamas at a time)

9,000 Coin 4 Llama wool Llama wool
Large llama wool Large llama wool
Shears Shears B
Luwak Luwak Barn Barn 2 30,000 Coin 18,000 Coin 2 Gesha coffee bean Gesha coffee bean
Large gesha coffee bean Large gesha coffee bean
None;Must be outside with grass to eat B
Pig Pig Barn Barn 2 12,000 Coin 7,200 Coin 3 Black truffle Black truffle
White truffle White truffle
None;Must be outside with grass to eat C
Sheep Sheep Barn Barn 2,000 Coin 1,200 Coin 2 Wool Wool
Large wool Large wool
Shears Shears E
Mermoo Mermoo Underwater barn Underwater barn 14,000 Coin 8,400 Coin 1 Mermoo milk Mermoo milk
Large mermoo milk Large mermoo milk
Milk pail Milk pail
Seashroud Seashroud Underwater barn Underwater barn 18,000 Coin 10,800 Coin 3 Seashroud algae Seashroud algae
Large seashroud algae Large seashroud algae
Shears Shears
Carapoultry Carapoultry Underwater barn Underwater barn 8,000 Coin 4,800 Coin 2 Cara egg Cara egg
Large cara egg Large cara egg
Inkhog Inkhog Underwater barn Underwater barn 9,000 Coin 5,400 Coin 1 Deepvoid ink Deepvoid ink
Large deepvoid ink Large deepvoid ink
Milk pail Milk pail
Buffalo Buffalo Barn Barn 2 44,000 Coin 21,000 Coin 3 Buffalo milk Buffalo milk
Large buffalo milk Large buffalo milk
Milk pail Milk pail A
Ostrich Ostrich Coop Coop 2 35,000 Coin 16,800 Coin 3 Ostrich egg Ostrich egg
Large ostrich egg Large ostrich egg
Shelluck Shelluck Underwater barn Underwater barn 30,000 Coin 18,000 Coin 6 White pearl White pearl
Black pearl Black pearl

Farm animals and their products[]

Animal Product Sell price
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo milk Buffalo milk Base: 350 Coin
Bronze 403
Silver 455
Gold 525
Osmium 700
Buffalo Buffalo Large buffalo milk Large buffalo milk Base: 500 Coin
Bronze 575
Silver 650
Gold 750
Osmium 1000
Chicken Chicken Large egg Large egg Base: 75 Coin
Bronze 86
Silver 98
Gold 113
Osmium 150
Chicken winner Chicken winner Golden egg Golden egg Base: 150 Coin
Bronze 173
Silver 195
Gold 225
Osmium 300
Chicken winner Chicken winner Large golden egg Large golden egg Base: 225 Coin
Bronze 259
Silver 293
Gold 338
Osmium 450
Chicken Chicken Egg Egg Base: 50 Coin
Bronze 58
Silver 65
Gold 75
Osmium 100
Cow Cow Large milk Large milk Base: 113 Coin
Bronze 130
Silver 147
Gold 170
Osmium 226
Cow winner Cow winner Large golden milk Large golden milk Base: 390 Coin
Bronze 449
Silver 507
Gold 585
Osmium 780
Cow Cow Milk Milk Base: 80 Coin
Bronze 92
Silver 104
Gold 120
Osmium 160
Cow winner Cow winner Golden milk Golden milk Base: 240 Coin
Bronze 276
Silver 312
Gold 360
Osmium 480
Duck Duck Duck egg Duck egg Base: 100 Coin
Bronze 115
Silver 130
Gold 150
Osmium 200
Duck Duck Large duck egg Large duck egg Base: 165 Coin
Bronze 190
Silver 215
Gold 248
Osmium 330
Goat Goat Goat milk Goat milk Base: 210 Coin
Bronze 242
Silver 273
Gold 315
Osmium 420
Goat Goat Large goat milk Large goat milk Base: 350 Coin
Bronze 403
Silver 455
Gold 525
Osmium 700
Llama Llama Llama wool Llama wool Base: 530 Coin
Bronze 610
Silver 689
Gold 795
Osmium 1060
Llama Llama Large llama wool Large llama wool Base: 885 Coin
Bronze 1018
Silver 1151
Gold 1328
Osmium 1770
Luwak Luwak Gesha coffee bean Gesha coffee bean Base: 430 Coin
Bronze 495
Silver 559
Gold 645
Osmium 860
Luwak Luwak Large gesha coffee bean Large gesha coffee bean Base: 715 Coin
Bronze 822
Silver 930
Gold 1073
Osmium 1430
Ostrich Ostrich Ostrich egg Ostrich egg Base: 280 Coin
Bronze 322
Silver 364
Gold 420
Osmium 560
Ostrich Ostrich Large ostrich egg Large ostrich egg Base: 400 Coin
Bronze 460
Silver 520
Gold 600
Osmium 800
Peafowl Peafowl Feather Feather Base: 1085 Coin
Bronze 1248
Silver 1411
Gold 1628
Osmium 2170
Peafowl Peafowl Large feather Large feather Base: 1475 Coin
Bronze 1696
Silver 1918
Gold 2213
Osmium 2950
Pig Pig White truffle White truffle Base: 970 Coin
Bronze 1116
Silver 1261
Gold 1455
Osmium 1940
Pig Pig Black truffle Black truffle Base: 620 Coin
Bronze 713
Silver 806
Gold 930
Osmium 1240
Quail Quail Quail egg Quail egg Base: 245 Coin
Bronze 282
Silver 319
Gold 368
Osmium 490
Quail Quail Large quail egg Large quail egg Base: 395 Coin
Bronze 454
Silver 514
Gold 593
Osmium 790
Sheep Sheep Wool Wool Base: 170 Coin
Bronze 196
Silver 221
Gold 255
Osmium 340
Sheep Sheep Large wool Large wool Base: 285 Coin
Bronze 328
Silver 371
Gold 428
Osmium 570

Golden products[]

To obtain golden products, farm animals such as cows or chicken need to win the competition. Once they produce golden products, they can't produce regular products, new farm animals need to be bought instead to obtain the regular products. Currently these are categorized as golden animal products:

Produce Size[]

Below is the table of produce size that depends on animal's heart and mood. For pigs, black truffle is the "small" produce, and white truffle is the "large" produce. There is also additional 10% of getting large produce if Product SizeRanching tools skill Product Size is learned.

Bad Mood Neutral Mood Happy mood
Heart Level Small Large Small Large Small Large
0 100.0% 0.0% 99.5% 1% 89.5% 10.5%
1 100.0% 0.0% 97% 3% 86.8% 13.2%
2 100.0% 0.0% 92% 8% 81.5% 18.5%
3 95.7% 4.3% 85% 15% 73.5% 26.5%
4 86.4% 13.6% 75% 25% 62.8% 37.2%
5 74.9% 25.1% 62% 38% 49.5% 50.5%
6 63.6% 36.4% 50% 50% 35.9% 64.1%
7 58.7% 41.3% 44% 56% 28.5% 71.5%
8 53.2% 46.8% 37% 63% 20.1% 79.9%
9 46.9% 53.1% 29% 71% 10.6% 89.4%
10 40.0% 60.0% 20% 80% 0.0% 100.0%


Shipping/selling certain number of animal products will earn certain badges.

Badge Requirement
New Rancher on the BlockNew Rancher on the Block New Rancher on the Block Ship 2 animal products
Fresh from the FarmFresh from the Farm Fresh from the Farm Ship 5 animal products
Grade A OnlyGrade A Only Grade A Only Ship a golden animal product
Operation Trophy RancherOperation Trophy Rancher Operation Trophy Rancher Ship all animal products

Animal book[]

There is an animal book in every coop/barn. It has an overall view of all the animals living in that building, and option to edit the building name, moving the animal to another same type building, or even selling the animal. Selling animal is instantaneous and the price doesn't depend on the heart level of the animal.



