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Enchanting is a mechanic added in v0.3 that allows players to imbue their tools with various buffs by offering gems, fossils, and artifacts to the giants once Tool EnchantmentQuest menuTool Enchantment is initiated. The types of enchantments available depend on the type of tool it is being applied to. The quality/level of the enchantment and the number of enchantments that can be applied depend on the number giants freed and the quality level of the tool respectively.

Types of enchantments[]

Levels correspond to how many giants have been freed. For example, 2 giants freed means the tool can be upgraded to level 2. Note: The bug net and fishing pole have possible enchantments listed, but have no enchantment slots.

Name Description Tools Level Values Cost
Repair icon
Mighty Hit
Chance to Destroy Debris in 1 hit 1 5% 0
2 10% 200
3 15% 300
4 20% 400
5 25% 500
Energy icon
No Water Drain
Chance for no water to drain 1 10% 0
2 20% 200
3 30% 300
4 40% 400
5 50% 500
Energy icon
No Energy Drain
Chance for no energy to drain
Lumina wand Lumina wand
1 10% 0
2 20% 200
3 30% 300
4 40% 400
5 50% 500
Repair icon
Swift Swing
Decreases charge/tool use speed
Lumina wand Lumina wand
1 20% 0
2 40% 200
3 60% 300
4 80% 400
5 100% 500
Income icon
Rare Drop
Increase chance of finding rare item*

*hardwood, geodes, coffers, fossil nodes

1 40% 0
2 80% 200
3 120% 300
4 160% 400
5 200% 500
Income icon
Extra Drop
Chance to get more items 1 5% 0
2 10% 200
3 15% 300
4 20% 400
5 25% 500
Income icon
Hit Drop
Chance for hit to drop items 1 2% 0
2 4% 200
3 6% 300
4 8% 400
5 10% 500

Rare items[]

The rare items defined by the Rare Drop enchantment include:

Enchantment slots[]

Tool Quality Slots
Axe Axe
Pickaxe Pickaxe
Scythe Scythe
Hoe Hoe
Watering can Watering can
Lumina wand Lumina wand
Basic 1
Bronze 1
Silver 2
Gold 2
Osmium 3
Bug net Bug net
Fishing pole Fishing pole
Basic 0
Improved 0
Quality 0

Points and costs[]

There are two modes of enchantment: adding or upgrading. The cost for adding enchantment is always 100. Adding has the chance to obtain the same enchantment which will automatically upgrade the particular enchantment. Adding can always be performed. Upgrading on the other hand is more targeted to specific enchantment, and the cost will grow up along the level of the enchantment. Upgrading can't be performed if there is no other enchantment that can be upgraded.

Upgrade points required per level[]

Level Points
2 200
3 300
4 400
5 500

Only up to 5 items can be used as points per adding/upgrading enchantments. Adding or upgrading can only be done if the point(s) requirement is met. Any extras of points will be used for the next adding/upgrading.

Points per item[]

The points used to pay for enchantments are acquired by offering gems, fossils, and artifacts. The number of points awarded for an object depends on the item's rarity, with rarer items being worth more points than more common ones.

Rarity Value Fossils Gems Artifacts
Common 20 pts
Uncommon 35 pts
Rare 50 pts
Super Rare 70 pts
Legendary 100 pts

