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Eleanor is the bug expert on Coral Island. She hangs out a lot in Garden Lane.

In-game Description

Eleanor is a character in Coral Island. She lives in the Beach Shack together with her husband Sunny and son Oliver. She is only available after 3rd Spring Year 1.


This section details Eleanor's day-to-day schedule in Coral Island. The regular schedule applies to all seasons and weather except those in condition-specific sections below.

Regular schedule[]

  • Monday to Wednesday
  • Saturday, Sunday
07:00Leaves home to write at Garden Lane
11:00Starts work at the museum
17:10Returns home to read in her room
21:00Goes to sleep
07:00Leaves home to write in the Starlet Town gardens
11:20Sits outside of Coral Inn
16:40Returns home to read in her room
22:10Goes to sleep

Seasonal differences[]

  • Summer; Monday to Friday
  • Summer; Saturday, Sunday
  • Winter; 17 to 21
07:00Leaves home to lay on the beach
11:40Sits outside of Coral Inn
19:00Returns home and goes to sleep
07:00Leaves home to write at Garden Lane
11:00Starts work at the museum
17:10Returns home to read in her room
21:00Goes to sleep
07:00Leaves home to write outside the Community Center
14:30Joins the Trivia game at the Winter Fair

Rainy or snowy weather[]

Monday to Sunday
08:00Goes to work at the museum
17:40Returns home to read in her room
23:00Goes to sleep


This section details Eleanor's reactions to receiving specific gifts from the player. (Note that the preferences towards artisan products like yogurt or mayonnaise only apply to their regular sized versions; large sized products give universal reactions.)

Gift icon Items
Loved gift Loved
Liked gift Liked
Angelfish AngelfishCecropia caterpillar Cecropia caterpillarSalmon SalmonCentipede CentipedeAtlas moth Atlas mothAssam silk moth Assam silk mothShrimp ShrimpRainbow fish Rainbow fishTilapia TilapiaKoi KoiPink snapper Pink snapperYellowfin tuna Yellowfin tunaSardine SardineClownfish ClownfishGiant mudskipper Giant mudskipperBlack phantom ghost fish Black phantom ghost fishTarantula TarantulaSockeye salmon Sockeye salmonCatfish CatfishSilver arowana Silver arowanaAsian sheepshead Asian sheepsheadLionfish LionfishSea cucumber Sea cucumberFrogfish FrogfishBrown trout Brown troutChub ChubFlowerhorn FlowerhornGiant snakehead Giant snakeheadRed king arowana Red king arowanaTiger barb Tiger barbBarramundi BarramundiBluegill BluegillCrayfish CrayfishGoldfish GoldfishArcher ArcherGator gar Gator garBoxfish BoxfishCobia CobiaCrab CrabDamselfish DamselfishFirefish FirefishGreat white shark Great white sharkMackerel MackerelJellyfish JellyfishRuby red dragonet Ruby red dragonetRed snapper Red snapperSwordfish SwordfishBlue tang Blue tangCod CodFlameback fish Flameback fishHammerhead HammerheadMandarin MandarinSturgeon SturgeonYellowtail YellowtailTiger beetle Tiger beetleYucca moth Yucca mothMonarch caterpillar Monarch caterpillarWolf spider Wolf spiderWidow spider Widow spiderRove beetle Rove beetleBlue morpho butterfly Blue morpho butterflyCricket CricketEastern black swallowtail Eastern black swallowtailStriped garden caterpillar Striped garden caterpillarBanded woollybear Banded woollybearCrowned hairstreak butterfly Crowned hairstreak butterflyDragonfly DragonflyGrasshopper GrasshopperGhost mantis Ghost mantisGround beetle Ground beetleGulf fritillary Gulf fritillaryHarpalus beetle Harpalus beetleJanetta forester butterfly Janetta forester butterflyLady beetle Lady beetleLuna moth Luna mothMagnolia green jumper Magnolia green jumperMan-faced stink bug Man-faced stink bugMaple leafcutter moth Maple leafcutter mothFly FlyHickory horned devil Hickory horned devilLeaf beetle Leaf beetleLittle wood satyr butterfly Little wood satyr butterflyMoth MothOlivewing butterfly Olivewing butterflyOrchid mantis Orchid mantisPolyphemus moth Polyphemus mothPraying mantis Praying mantisRed admiral Red admiralSaddleback SaddlebackSnail SnailSoldier beetle Soldier beetleTiger swallowtail butterfly Tiger swallowtail butterflyViolin beetle Violin beetleWestern tiger swallowtail Western tiger swallowtailPine sphinx Pine sphinxScarites beetle Scarites beetleWasp WaspGiant sea bass Giant sea bassGiant stingray Giant stingrayYellow moray eel Yellow moray eelZebra fish Zebra fishSquid SquidMonkfish MonkfishOctopus OctopusArapaima ArapaimaFreshwater eel Freshwater eelSnakehead SnakeheadParrotfish ParrotfishGreen sawfish Green sawfishLobster LobsterPufferfish PufferfishGolden gar Golden garTuna TunaGrouper GrouperRaja Ampat shark Raja Ampat sharkPolka-dot batfish Polka-dot batfishBarracuda Barracuda