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Crops are plants that the player can grow from Seeds Seeds on their farm to sell for profit, process into artisan products or cooked dishes, consume to restore health and energy, or give to other characters as gifts.

Crops are generally seasonal, meaning they can only be planted and will only grow during their specified season and die when the season changes. Some crops (e.g. Hot pepper) are multi-seasonal, and can be planted across multiple seasons. Crops can be further processed into artisan products using artisan equipment. Crops may also be used as ingredients in cooking.

This page refers only to seed crops that are planted in 1×1 areas. For larger and longer lived crops, see fruit plants or fruit trees, or all plants for overall.


Obtaining seeds[]

A variety of seeds can be purchased at Sam's General Store. The store selection depends on the current season and the player's town rank.

LocationItemPricePrice rangeSeasonTown rankPurchase limit
CaravanPoppy seeds Poppy seedsCoin × 30Coin × 20-40E
Harvest FestivalBarley seeds Barley seedsCoin × 8050/festival
Fairy rose seeds Fairy rose seedsCoin × 10850/festival
Merfolk General StoreMarinip seeds Marinip seedsCoin × 25AnyF
Sea spud seeds Sea spud seedsCoin × 85AnyF
Soka seeds Soka seedsCoin × 105AnyF
Goldglow seeds Goldglow seedsCoin × 105AnyF
Twinshade sealeaf seeds Twinshade sealeaf seedsCoin × 115AnyF
Petalia seeds Petalia seedsCoin × 135AnyF
Bluecole seeds Bluecole seedsCoin × 300AnyF
Sproutfruit seeds Sproutfruit seedsCoin × 45AnyF
Helixpur blossom seeds Helixpur blossom seedsCoin × 55AnyF
Pink coralcap seeds Pink coralcap seedsCoin × 55AnyF
Labu seeds Labu seedsCoin × 70AnyF
Red reefbud seeds Red reefbud seedsCoin × 70AnyF
Bluebell blossom seeds Bluebell blossom seedsCoin × 75AnyF
Marinethorn blossom seeds Marinethorn blossom seedsCoin × 75AnyF
Spring sealeaf seeds Spring sealeaf seedsCoin × 80AnyF
Ratih's Float MarketBlackberry seeds Blackberry seedsCoin × 40SummerC
Bok choy seeds Bok choy seedsCoin × 60FallC
Chard seeds Chard seedsCoin × 50SpringD
Garlic seeds Garlic seedsCoin × 30FallC
Sam's General StoreCucumber seeds Cucumber seedsCoin × 25SpringE
Chard seeds Chard seedsCoin × 50SpringD
Lettuce seeds Lettuce seedsCoin × 20SpringD
Peony seeds Peony seedsCoin × 20SpringF
Poppy seeds Poppy seedsCoin × 30SpringE
Daisy seeds Daisy seedsCoin × 15SpringF
Soybean seeds Soybean seedsCoin × 20SpringE
Snowdrop seeds Snowdrop seedsCoin × 45Spring
Blueberry seeds Blueberry seedsCoin × 50SummerF
Hot pepper seeds Hot pepper seedsCoin × 40SummerF
Potato seeds Potato seedsCoin × 25SpringF
Corn seeds Corn seedsCoin × 25SummerF
Melon seeds Melon seedsCoin × 130SummerE
Tomato seeds Tomato seedsCoin × 25SummerE
Red cabbage seeds Red cabbage seedsCoin × 45SummerD
Wheat seeds Wheat seedsCoin × 15SummerF
Bell pepper seeds Bell pepper seedsCoin × 70SummerE
Pineapple seeds Pineapple seedsCoin × 110SummerD
Okra seeds Okra seedsCoin × 60SummerE
Blackberry seeds Blackberry seedsCoin × 40SummerD
Strawberry seeds Strawberry seedsCoin × 145SpringD
Starfruit seeds Starfruit seedsCoin × 60SummerE
Gardenia seeds Gardenia seedsCoin × 20SummerF
Sunflower seeds Sunflower seedsCoin × 20SummerF
Rose seeds Rose seedsCoin × 20SummerD
Lily seeds Lily seedsCoin × 60SummerD
Iris seeds Iris seedsCoin × 30SummerD
Garlic seeds Garlic seedsCoin × 30FallC
Rice seeds Rice seedsCoin × 15FallF
Barley seeds Barley seedsCoin × 100FallD
Basil seeds Basil seedsCoin × 20FallE
Radish seeds Radish seedsCoin × 60Spring
Amaranth seeds Amaranth seedsCoin × 25FallE
Artichoke seeds Artichoke seedsCoin × 45FallD
Beet seeds Beet seedsCoin × 20FallE
Grape seeds Grape seedsCoin × 150FallD
Cactus flower seeds Cactus flower seedsCoin × 300FallB
Bok choy seeds Bok choy seedsCoin × 60FallD
Cranberry seeds Cranberry seedsCoin × 20FallF
Eggplant seeds Eggplant seedsCoin × 35FallF
Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin seedsCoin × 90FallE
Taro root seeds Taro root seedsCoin × 35FallD
Carrot seeds Carrot seedsCoin × 35SpringF
Sweet potato seeds Sweet potato seedsCoin × 60FallF
Fairy rose seeds Fairy rose seedsCoin × 135FallC
Orchid seeds Orchid seedsCoin × 75FallF
Watermelon seeds Watermelon seedsCoin × 50FallC
Blue dahlia seeds Blue dahlia seedsCoin × 50FallD
Cauliflower seeds Cauliflower seedsCoin × 70SpringF
Turnip seeds Turnip seedsCoin × 15SpringF
Sugarcane seeds Sugarcane seedsCoin × 50SpringD
Winter FairPoppy seeds Poppy seedsCoin × 301

The player can occasionally obtain wild seeds while tilling soil or cutting weeds or grass. These wild seeds will turn into a random seasonal crop when sown.

Ocean crops are available after the player completes the quest One of usQuest menuOne of us and reaches town rank A. Note that some mechanics might differ for ocean crops.


Crops can only be planted on the player's farm into soil tilled by a hoe. Tilling soil consumes the player's energy. Once the soil is tilled, the player can place fertilizer and any seed into that square; all crops currently available in the game take up a 1×1 area. The tile may then be watered using a watering can; an action that also consumes the player's energy. A planted and watered seed will start growing.

Crops have to be watered can every day with the exception of rainy days, as the rain will water the plant. Watered crops will grow the next day. Unwatered crops will not grow the next day, but will not wither until the season change. When crops are ready to harvest, the player can do it manually or by using a scythe.

Most crops can be walked through after they are planted and even after they have matured. Only one crop, Peas, currently grows on a trellis and cannot be walked through once it is planted.

Any crop can be removed from its tile during any growth stage by hitting it with a pickaxe.

Growth and regrowth times[]

Every crop takes a specific number of days to grow and goes through a specific number of growth stages. These growth times include the day the seed is first planted and watered. Meaning, if a crop needs 10 days to grow and planted on day 1, it'll be ready to be harvested on day 11, provided they are still watered everyday from day 1 to day 10. Some farming mastery skills give the player a chance to speed up the crop growth; a Flash fertilizer can also be used prior to planting to increase the growth rate.

Most crops disappear after they are harvested; however, some crops will regrow after each harvest, provided they are still watered everyday. The pattern persists until the crop is uprooted or until the season change that kills the crop.

These are the list of crops that can regrow


The Laboratory offers upgrade to the player's seeds, plants, fruit trees, and hay. Each upgrade costs some essence produced from kelps using the Extractor and game money.

Upgrade Type Cost Essence
SeedsBronze seeds 2000Coin × 2,000 Bronze kelp essence Bronze kelp essence
SeedsSilver seeds 5000Coin × 5,000 Silver kelp essence Silver kelp essence
SeedsGold seeds 10 000Coin × 10 000 Gold kelp essence Gold kelp essence
SeedsOsmium seeds 20 000Coin × 20 000 Osmium kelp essence Osmium kelp essence

Upgrades purchased at the laboratory apply to all seeds in the player's inventory or planted on the farm and all future seed purchases with no increase in price. Once upgraded, the base quality of all seed crop produce will increase.


Every morning, there is a 60% chance a crop will be eaten by a crow if there is at least 12 crops growing on the farm and there is no scarecrow protecting them. Once a crow eats a crop, that crop disappears completely; the player can pick up some wild seeds at the footprints the crow has left.

The first time a crow eats a crop, the Crows be goneQuest menuCrows be gone will be initiated.

Giant crops[]

Some crops planted in a 3×3 pattern have a small (5%) chance to turn into a giant crop if left unharvested. Only eight crops in the game can become giant.

Unlike regular crops, giant crops cannot be harvested manually or with a scythe and require an axe. Each giant crop will yield 17 to 21 regular sized crops when harvested, but will destroy crops that would usually allow multiple harvests in the process. Giant crop will stay as it is, does not require water, and will not even wither off season, until they are harvested.

Seasonal crops[]

Generally, crops will only last one season, however, there are some that lasts throughout 2 seasons:

Only snowdrop and radish are being sold throughout the seasons they can be planted.

Spring crops[]

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell priceMax harvestProfit per day
Carrot CarrotVegetableF7 daysCoin × 35Coin × 783Base: 4.61
Osmium: 12.96
Cauliflower CauliflowerVegetableF10 daysCoin × 70Coin × 1752Base: 7.50
Osmium: 20.00
Chard ChardVegetableD6 daysCoin × 50Coin × 1114Base: 8.71
Osmium: 24.57
Cucumber CucumberVegetableE9 days
3 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 417Base: 9.36
Osmium: 19.61
Daisy DaisyFlowerF4 daysCoin × 15Coin × 406Base: 5.36
Osmium: 13.93
Lettuce LettuceVegetableD5 daysCoin × 20Coin × 475Base: 4.82
Osmium: 13.21
Peas PeasVegetableD11 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 45Coin × 595Base: 8.93
Osmium: 19.46
Peony PeonyFlowerF4 daysCoin × 20Coin × 426Base: 4.71
Osmium: 13.71
Poppy PoppyFlowerE7 daysCoin × 30Coin × 823Base: 5.57
Osmium: 14.36
Potato PotatoVegetableF5 daysCoin × 25Coin × 755Base: 8.93
Osmium: 22.32
Radish RadishVegetableE6 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1194Base: 8.43
Osmium: 25.43
Snowdrop SnowdropFlowerC12 daysCoin × 45Coin × 1252Base: 5.71
Osmium: 14.64
Soybean SoybeanGrainE8 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 20Coin × 195Base: 2.68
Osmium: 6.07
Strawberry StrawberryFruitD10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 145Coin × 1025Base: 13.04
Osmium: 31.25
Sugarcane SugarcaneVegetableD5 days
1 day (regrowth)
Coin × 50Coin × 2323Base: 17.11
Osmium: 36.00
Turnip TurnipVegetableF4 daysCoin × 15Coin × 406Base: 5.36
Osmium: 13.93
  • Max harvest assumes that the crop or fruit plant was planted on the very first day it was available, and replanted once harvested. Count for it starts on day 1 until the end of the season before it withers. Also assumes that fruit tree was fully mature on the first day of harvesting season.

Summer crops[]

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell priceMax harvestProfit per day
Bell pepper Bell pepperVegetableE8 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 70Coin × 475Base: 5.89
Osmium: 14.29
Blackberry BlackberryFruitD11 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 40Coin × 415Base: 5.89
Osmium: 13.21
Blueberry BlueberryFruitF10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 50Coin × 415Base: 5.54
Osmium: 12.86
Coffee bean Coffee beanGrainD11 days
2 days (regrowth)
Coin × 70Coin × 259Base: 5.54
Osmium: 13.57
Corn CornVegetableF12 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 244Base: 2.54
Osmium: 5.96
Gardenia GardeniaFlowerF5 daysCoin × 20Coin × 455Base: 4.46
Osmium: 12.50
Hot pepper Hot pepperVegetableF7 days
3 days (regrowth)
Coin × 40Coin × 367Base: 7.57
Osmium: 16.57
Iris IrisFlowerD10 daysCoin × 30Coin × 1022Base: 5.14
Osmium: 12.43
Lily (flower) LilyFlowerD9 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1493Base: 9.54
Osmium: 25.50
Melon MelonFruitE12 daysCoin × 130Coin × 2332Base: 7.36
Osmium: 24.00
Okra OkraVegetableE9 days
6 days (regrowth)
Coin × 60Coin × 594Base: 6.29
Osmium: 14.71
Pineapple PineappleFruitD9 daysCoin × 110Coin × 2013Base: 9.75
Osmium: 31.29
Radish RadishVegetableE6 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1194Base: 8.43
Osmium: 25.43
Red cabbage Red cabbageVegetableD9 daysCoin × 45Coin × 1063Base: 6.54
Osmium: 17.89
Rose RoseFlowerD6 daysCoin × 20Coin × 514Base: 4.43
Osmium: 11.71
Starfruit StarfruitFruitE13 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1082Base: 3.43
Osmium: 11.14
Sunflower SunflowerFlowerF8 daysCoin × 20Coin × 703Base: 5.36
Osmium: 12.86
Tomato TomatoFruitE10 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 345Base: 5.18
Osmium: 11.25
Wheat WheatGrainF5 daysCoin × 15Coin × 335Base: 3.21
Osmium: 9.11
  • Max harvest assumes that the crop or fruit plant was planted on the very first day it was available, and replanted once harvested. Count for it starts on day 1 until the end of the season before it withers. Also assumes that fruit tree was fully mature on the first day of harvesting season.

Fall crops[]

Hot pepper, lily and cotton seeds are not available at Sam's General Store in fall and must be purchased during summer (Hot pepper, lily) or winter (cotton).

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell priceMax harvestProfit per day
Amaranth AmaranthGrainE8 days
5 days (regrowth)
Coin × 25Coin × 244Base: 2.54
Osmium: 5.96
Artichoke ArtichokeVegetableD8 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 45Coin × 295Base: 3.57
Osmium: 8.75
Barley BarleyGrainD8 daysCoin × 100Coin × 1183Base: 1.93
Osmium: 14.57
Basil BasilVegetableE5 daysCoin × 20Coin × 395Base: 3.39
Osmium: 10.36
Beet BeetVegetableE6 daysCoin × 20Coin × 524Base: 4.57
Osmium: 12.00
Blue dahlia Blue dahliaFlowerD4 daysCoin × 50Coin × 806Base: 6.43
Osmium: 23.57
Bok choy Bok choyVegetableD8 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1263Base: 7.07
Osmium: 20.57
Cactus CactusFlowerB13 daysCoin × 300Coin × 4002Base: 7.14
Osmium: 35.71
Cotton CottonResourceC9 daysCoin × 50Coin × 1053Base: 5.89
Osmium: 17.14
Cranberry CranberryFruitF5 days
2 days (regrowth)
Coin × 20Coin × 1812Base: 7.00
Osmium: 14.71
Eggplant EggplantVegetableE9 days
3 days (regrowth)
Coin × 35Coin × 367Base: 7.75
Osmium: 16.75
Fairy rose Fairy roseFlowerC8 daysCoin × 135Coin × 1713Base: 3.86
Osmium: 22.18
Garlic GarlicVegetableC9 daysCoin × 30Coin × 1103Base: 8.57
Osmium: 20.36
Grape GrapeFruitD9 days
6 days (regrowth)
Coin × 150Coin × 734Base: 5.07
Osmium: 15.50
Hot pepper Hot pepperVegetableF7 days
3 days (regrowth)
Coin × 40Coin × 367Base: 7.57
Osmium: 16.57
Lily (flower) LilyFlowerD9 daysCoin × 60Coin × 1493Base: 9.54
Osmium: 25.50
Orchid OrchidFlowerF8 daysCoin × 75Coin × 1303Base: 5.89
Osmium: 19.82
Pumpkin PumpkinFruitE13 days
7 days (regrowth)
Coin × 90Coin × 1163Base: 9.21
Osmium: 21.64
Rice RiceGrainF9 daysCoin × 15Coin × 463Base: 3.32
Osmium: 8.25
Sweet potato Sweet potatoVegetableF9 days
4 days (regrowth)
Coin × 60Coin × 305Base: 3.21
Osmium: 8.57
Taro root Taro rootVegetableD5 days
2 days (regrowth)
Coin × 35Coin × 2412Base: 9.04
Osmium: 19.32
Watermelon WatermelonFruitC11 daysCoin × 50Coin × 1052Base: 3.93
Osmium: 11.43
  • Max harvest assumes that the crop or fruit plant was planted on the very first day it was available, and replanted once harvested. Count for it starts on day 1 until the end of the season before it withers. Also assumes that fruit tree was fully mature on the first day of harvesting season.

Winter crops[]

ItemTypeRankGrowth timeSeed priceSell priceMax harvestProfit per day
Cotton CottonResourceC9 daysCoin × 50Coin × 1053Base: 5.89
Osmium: 17.14
Snowdrop SnowdropFlowerC12 daysCoin × 45Coin × 1252Base: 5.71
Osmium: 14.64
Tea leaf Tea leafVegetableC11 daysCoin × 25Coin × 682Base: 3.07
Osmium: 7.93
  • Max harvest assumes that the crop or fruit plant was planted on the very first day it was available, and replanted once harvested. Count for it starts on day 1 until the end of the season before it withers. Also assumes that fruit tree was fully mature on the first day of harvesting season.

Ocean crops[]


  • 1 crop (also includes fruit plant or fruit tree product) of any quality is needed to be sold as prerequisite for the Local ProduceQuest menuLocal Produce after triggering Quest#Town Rank FTV icon Town Rank F.
  • 5 crops (also includes fruit plant or fruit tree product) of at least osmium quality are needed for the One of usQuest menuOne of us.
  • See ocean crops for related quests


