I've been waiting for a min for multiplayer with my spouse.
Is there any update on that by any chance? Yes, I did it on star dew valley with him just it kept glitching and its bout got on my nerves
What's on your mind?
I've been waiting for a min for multiplayer with my spouse.
Is there any update on that by any chance? Yes, I did it on star dew valley with him just it kept glitching and its bout got on my nerves
I'm not sure how to fix this, but some of the universal likes are wrong. Hot peppers are not a universal like. I gave one to Mark and he hated it
Hot to get arcana tail back?mine is lost when im change to another tail
I am very new and hello I loooooove sharks
Hi, everyone.
I play on Xbox. I have got the 2nd day of Summer, Year 4. And my day is not loaded. I did everything like deleting the saved file, relogging to my Xbox profile... Nothing is working. Its just out me from the game at all. I do like the game, but I can't play futher. Its just not to load. What can you advise me? Don't want to start anew. I checked the variant to start anew and the game is loaded correct. So why my progress is not working?
Is there a way to adjust the lists of fish and bugs and such so that the base price and price with skills is at the end of the creature so that you see the location, time, weather, and season first? Not sure about others but when I'm looking up a fish or other creature I'm trying to catch for cooking, gifting, museum, or goddess offerings, I'm not looking up price of selling I'm looking at how to catch it, where to get it, weather, season, time etc.
Can i have a potato please? thanks!!
Hello, could someone help me how to move the furniture in the farmhouse? I play on XBOX
Hi all,
Hoping for some guidance on how to use the gift preference template. I'd like to add to some characters beyond the universal likes, dislikes, etc. But when I open the template, I don't understand where the data is coming from. Even in open-source code, it just references [Gift_Pref] or something similar. Anyone able to help?
I went to the mid-forest around 7:50pm and where the gravestones are in the center, there also was a ghost flying around. I think I spooked it and the ghost dropped some cranberries- was that a one-time thing? Or is it like a random-loot generator? [Edit: In case it matters- this was Fall 10 year 1.]
Fui fazer a missao festival de plantio de árvores 2, e estava com pouca energia e desmaiei, fui parar na clinica. E quando acordei perdi tudo o que tinha na mochila, o que eu faço?
Hi all,
I was looking at where to find specific critters for the ocean altar, especially those found in the 50-60m depth. I found a wiki page telling me that these critters were found in various zones 1-5. But the interactive map is missing Zone 1-5. In other words, the tables reference zones that are not on the map. I would add the labels myself, but I don't want to mislabel anything given the zones exist somewhere but aren't marked.
The entry for the Silver Pickaxe says it can break "what Bronze Pickaxe can + Metal Doors". Anybody know what this means?
I am trying to do the heart events for Wakuu. I have all 10 hearts and have yet to recieve a letter. My question is, how long does it typically take for him to send a letter after the 10th heart? It's spring in game currently so, it's not due to the weather. What do I do? I e searched and searched, nothing is happening.
idk if its potential spoilers or not, but um I play coral island on the xbox and im at fall of year 3 and a new birthday thing popped up for fall 20th. but it doesnt say who. All it says: "? & ? Birthday" with a white background. Idk if its a glitch or if we are getting new npcs birthdays? im just a little lost lol.
Alguém pode por favor me contar como que faço para quebrar a barreira mítica do reino submarino? Eu já tentei limpar todas a área mas não consigo limpar tudo de uma vez e sempre que eu volto tem mais e mais lixo nos locais onde já tinha limpado tudo. Já curei todos os corais, segui a raiz mas não consigo passar da parte de descobrir como abrir o portão
There’s nodes in the floor of the mines that you can hit to lead you to a big node of ore. Gives you around 5-10 nodes
I was putting ropes on each level of each mine but after a while or a certain amount of ropes, the previous ones are removed. so you can be careful :,c